Osteoarthritis: Nutrition and Lifestyle Management Plan

Osteoarthritis: Nutrition Research Update

A recent review article on Glucosamine was written for medical doctors. It was published in 2012, in the journal known as “Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease”. The article was titled ” Cyrstaline Glucosamine Sulfate in the Management of Knee Osteoarthritis: Efficacy, Safety and Pharmacokinetical Properties”. It was written by the lead researcher, a medical doctor by the name of Lucio Ravatti, and his assistants. The gist of the article is to show medical doctors that Glucosamine is effective in managing osteoarthritis.

In these videos I highlight the scientific evidence related to diet, supplements and other natural treatments that have been proven to reduce the symptoms of these conditions and improve your quality of life.

I encourage you to access the important evidence-based Nutrition, Supplementation and Lifestyle protocols for the management of these arthritic conditions. The protocols can be found on the same page as the video. I have also included them below each video.