Lifestyle Medicine Update

Lifestyle Medicine Update

The weekly Lifestyle Medicine Update video provides you with a quick review of a recently published study from the fields of lifestyle medicine, anti-aging, disease management and prevention, with special emphasis on breakthrough nutrition and lifestyle research that can help keep you and your family healthy and functional for as long as possible.


LMU 331 - Omega-3 Fat Supplements in Type 2 Diabetics Reduce Heart, Kidney, Eye, and Nerve Damage Complications and Risk Factors, Compared to Patients Not Using Omega-3 Supplements

Omega-3 Fat Supplements in Type 2 Diabetics Reduce Heart, Kidney, Eye, and Nerve Damage Complications and Risk Factors, Compared to Patients Not Using Omega-3 SupplementsSource: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (July 12, 2024)Lifestyle Medicine Update (July 24, 2024)A very large...

LMU 330 - Huperzine A Improves Memory and Cognition in Early-stage Alzheimer’s disease and Shows Promise of Prevention

Huperzine A Improves Memory and Cognition in Early-stage Alzheimer’s disease and Shows Promise of Prevention Source: The Journal of the Chinese Medical Association 2019 and the International Journal of Molecular Science 2022 Lifestyle Medicine Update (July 16, 2024)It’s quite likely...

LMU 329 - Fish Oil and Heart Health Update 2024: How much omega-3 fat is safe and effective?

Fish Oil and Heart Health Update 2024: How much omega-3 fat is safe and effective?Sources: Medscape June 4, 2024 (Dr Joann E Manson) and Frontiers of Medicine Feb 2, 2022.Lifestyle Medicine Update (July 9, 2024)Today’s question is how much omega-3 fat is safe and effective to take via supplementation....

LMU 328 - Vitamin B12 Receptor Autoimmunity Increases Risk and Severity of MS and Psychiatric Conditions

Vitamin B12 Receptor Autoimmunity Increases Risk and Severity of MS and Psychiatric ConditionsSource: J Translational Medicine (June 2024)Lifestyle Medicine Update (July 3, 2024)A remarkable study published in Translational Medicine on June 26, 2024, showed that many patients with multiple sclerosis,...

LMU 327 - Melatonin Supplementation Shown to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration – the leading cause of blindness after 55 years of age

Melatonin Supplementation Shown to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration – the leading cause of blindness after 55 years of ageSources: JAMA Ophthalmology (Oct. 2024) and Ann NY Acad. Sci (Dec. 2005)Lifestyle Medicine Update (June 26, 2024)Melatonin is not only important for a good night’s sleep,...

LMU 326 - L-Carnitine: A novel supplement to help prevent and treat congestive heart failure?

L-Carnitine: A novel supplement to help prevent and treat congestive heart failure? Source: BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (July 21, 2014) Lifestyle Medicine Update (June 25, 2024)Congestive heart failure is a leading cause of hospital admissions in people over the age of 65, but the...

LMU 325 - Functional MRI Predicts Alzheimer’s Disease Onset with Over 80 Percent Accuracy: An Absolute Breakthrough

Functional MRI Predicts Alzheimer’s Disease Onset with Over 80 Percent Accuracy: An Absolute BreakthroughSource: Nature Mental Health (June 6, 2024)Lifestyle Medicine Update (June 13, 2024)As you know, with our aging population the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease is increasing quite rapidly. There...

LMU 324 - Indole-3-carbinol in Cancer Prevention

Indole-3-carbinol in Cancer PreventionSource: Frontiers of Nutrition Journal (October 1, 2021)Lifestyle Medicine Update (June 4, 2024)Many population studies (epidemiological studies) show that higher intake of cruciferous vegetables is strongly tied to a reduced risk of some important cancers, including...

LMU 323 - Health Canada and the FDA DO NOT ALLOW Cholesterol-Lowering Claims about Gum Guggul. Perplexing!

Health Canada and the FDA DO NOT ALLOW Cholesterol-Lowering Claims about Gum Guggul. Perplexing!Source: Cardiovascular Drug Reviews (2007)Lifestyle Medicine Update (May 29, 2024)As reported in the journal Cardiovascular Drug Reviews, as far back as 1998, in India, gum guggul was approved as a drug...

LMU 322 - Whey Protein Shakes Support and Improve Muscle Strength and Cardiovascular Health – 2022 Review

Whey Protein Shakes Support and Improve Muscle Strength and Cardiovascular Health – 2022 ReviewSource: The Nutrition Bulletin, February 17, 2022Lifestyle Medicine Update (May 21, 2024)Many body builders and athletes ingest a whey protein shake daily to help grow and support their muscle and lean...