Active Ingredients
Amounts for 1 capsule, 120 per bottle
Gum Guggul (Gugulipid) – std to 2.5% guggulsterone content |
500 mg |
Artichoke Leaf Extract – std to 13-18% caffeoylquinic acid |
200 mg |
Chole Forte contraindications & considerations:
Do not take this supplement if you have any of the following health conditions or circumstances listed below if there is no number listed next to it. If a number is listed next to the item below, then adhere to the precautionary note explained in the legend at the bottom of the page.
Breastfeeding or Lactation
Kidney failure (Renal failure) (6)
Received an organ transplant of any kind (6)
If the kidney has been removed (6)
Kidney clearance problem (e.g., a dialysis patient) (6)
Liver ailments (6)
Kidney disease (6)
Medication / Treatment / Apparatus
Receiving chemotherapy treatment (6)
Receiving radiation treatment (6)
(6) – Requires approval from specialist/physician
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