Supplement For Men Under 40

$113.98 $91.18

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All-in-One Multi-Vitamin & Mineral


Bone Support Formula


Nature's Essential Oils




Healthy Aging Naturally

Supplementation is important for males under 40, as many health conditions that manifest later in life actually stem from invisible tissue damage that occurs before age 40. The key to slowing the aging process and remaining vibrant and highly functional for as long as possible demands that you take the following supplements each day to prevent tissue damage and optimize your body’s genetic health potential. In addition to a prudent diet and activity program these are the most important supplements to consider:

Three Lifelong Foundation Supplements: the following 3 supplements should be taken throughout all of adult life beginning at age 15-16 (Bone Support is optional based on your diet and bone density status).

1. High Potency Multiple Vitamin and Mineral: A high potency multiple vitamin and mineral should be antioxidant enriched, contain a B-50 complex, 500 mg of elemental calcium, other bone support nutrients, and every vitamin from Vitamin A to Zinc.

Antioxidant Enriched – antioxidants quench free radicals that cause the kind of genetic damage that transforms a normal cell into a cancer cell. These initiated cancer cells often lie dormant for 20-40 yrs before undergoing rapid cell division and forming malignant tumors. Many cancers that strike in one’s 50’s, 60’s 70’s and beyond,  were actually initiated by free radical damage that occurred in a person’s teens, 20’s and/or 30’s.

Antioxidants also quench free radicals that slowly contribute to the following ailments, which also manifest later in life – cataracts, macular degeneration (the leading cause of blindness in people over 55), Alzheimer’s disease, other neurodegenerative diseases (MS, Parkinson’s disease), skin aging (and skin cancer), atherosclerosis (narrowing of arteries), weakened immune function.

For health optimization and disease prevention daily antioxidant dosages from a high potency multiple vitamin and mineral supplement should include:

  • Vitamin C – 1000 mg
  • Vitamin E succinate
  • Selenium 100 – 150 mcg
  • Beta –carotene 10,000 -15,000 IU
  • Vitamin A – 2500  IU
  • Bioflavonoids – 50 mg
  • Lycopene Powder – 6 mg
  • Lutein Powder – 6 mg
  • Zinc – 15 mg
  • Magnesium – 200 mg
  • Manganese

B-50 Complex – B-vitamins help to optimize many functions within the body, including:

  • Energy Production in every cell
  • Concentration and Mental function – B-vitamins are required to make the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) for an alert mind
  • Red blood cell and haemoglobin production – to transport oxygen through your system
  • Protecting your arteries against the damaging effects of homocysteine – linked to heart disease, stroke and other vascular diseases.
  • Reduced cancer risk – B-vitamins are required for normal DNA and RNA synthesis as cells replicate from one generation to the next, decreasing risk of chromosomal breaks and related mutations

Calcium – 500 mg – most adults fall short of the desired calcium intake level each day, by at least 500 mg.  This short fall in calcium intake prior to age 40 prevents maximum bone density from occurring. After age 50, when calcium starts to leak out of bone, it becomes much easier for osteoporosis and bone fractures to occur. Sub-optimal calcium intake before age 40 is a principal reason that one in four women, and one in eight men, over 50 develop osteoporosis. Prior to age 40, and especially from ages 11-24, you have the greatest opportunity to maximize your bone density. Along with calcium bones also need Vitamin D, copper, Vitamin C, magnesium and certain B-vitamins, which should also be included in a high potency multiple vitamin and mineral.

Adëeva’s high potency multiple vitamin and mineral product is All-In-One Multi-Vitamin & Mineral

2. Essential Fatty Acid Supplement (containing borage, flax and fish oil): this is the perfect combination of essential oils that allows your body to make the types of prostaglandin hormones that have the following health effects:

  • Makes your skin smooth and soft
  • Reduces risk of heart and vascular disease by improving blood flow and decreasing the stickiness of your blood
  • Reduces cancer risk by slowing down the rate of cell division (reduces the number of cellular mutations)
  • Slows the aging process (by slowing the rate of cell division)
  • Reduces inflammation throughout the body
  • Supports brain function throughout all of life, and may reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease later in life, according to recent studies

Adëeva’s Essential Fatty Acid Supplement (containing borage, flax and fish oil) is Nature’s Essential Oils

3. Bone Support Supplement: for many people their inconsistent dietary patterns provides them with too little calcium, magnesium, Vitamin D, and other bone support nutrients from day-to-day, whereby a high potency multiple vitamin and mineral alone is insufficient to maximize and protect their bone density. To be safe you may wish to consider taking an additional Bone Support Supplement that provides the following bone density insurance:

  • Calcium – 600 mg
  • Vitamin D – 800 IU
  • Magnesium – 300 mg
  • Icariin Flavonoid (from epimedium) – this flavonoid is proven to increase bone density even those who have already lost some bone (osteoporosis/osteopenia)
  • Silica – This supplement also helps form strong, healthy nails and collagen.

Adëeva’s bone support supplement is Bone Support Formula

Recommended Supplements

High Potency Multiple Vitamin and Mineral

“A full spectrum multi-vitamin and mineral enriched with optimal antioxidant protection, a B-50 complex, carotenoids (lycopene and lutein), bioflavonoids, 500 mg of elemental calcium, and all essential nutrients from A to Zinc. This all-in-one formulation replaces the need for 5-8 different vitamin bottles, making it more cost-effective and practical for individuals to acquire optimal levels of antioxidant protection with the health-promoting doses of all other vitamins and minerals. This supplement helps the body defend itself against many degenerative conditions, while providing important anti-aging benefits that slow the aging process. Using this product in conjunction with Nature’s Essential Oils, improves the skin’s complexion, texture and appearance. The B-50 complex is important to support and repair nerve function and the vitamin E, in the form of vitamin E Succinate, has been shown to possess the most potent anticancer properties compared to all other forms of vitamin E. Studies also show that most adults are missing 500 mg of calcium from their diet between ages 15 and 50 to defend against osteoporosis, which now affects one in four women and one in eight men over the age of 50. This product helps ensure that each individual will minimize their risk of future development of this common and preventable bone condition, which causes more deaths each year than the combined mortality rate for breast and ovarian cancers in women. For all these reasons, and any more, the Adeeva All-in-One Multiple-Vitamin and Mineral is a foundation supplement for virtually every adult. “

Dose:4 caplets per day (full adult dosage)

Essential Fatty Acids

Contains a unique blend of omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 essential fatty acids derived from equal concentrations of: GMO-free flaxseed oil, borage oil (22% GLA), and high-yield fish oil (30% EPA / 20% DHA). This product corrects the common essential fatty acid deficiencies and imbalances that have been shown to contribute to cardiovascular disease, inflammatory conditions, skin disorders, and other problems. This product helps maximize total health and well being by providing the optimal levels of essential fats that support the cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems, as well as brain function, vision, the smoothness and appearance of the skin, and many other health promoting applications. GMO free flax seed oil is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil is also a rich source of the fatty acids EPA and DHA. Both EPA and DHA are required for brain development, vision, immune function and for synthesis of the myelin sheath, that insulates many nerves throughout the body. Recent studies indicate that higher brain levels of omega-3 fats reduce future risk of dementia as one ages and that most people do not achieve optimal levels from their daily diet. Higher circulating levels of these essential fats found in our tissue is also associated with lower risk of certain cancers. This formula contains one of the highest amounts of EPA, DHA (50% yield of pure EPA and DHA) available on the market. Borage oil is a rich source of GLA, and the active ingredient for prostaglandin series-1 hormones. Diabetics and individuals who suffer from eczema, PMS and immune dysfunction have been shown to produce insufficient amounts of GLA. The production of GLA in the body also declines as we age and is an important aspect in nerve repair. In general, Nature’s Essential Oils is an important supplement for virtually all adults and is designed to be taken in conjunction with the All-in-One High Potency Multi-Vitamin & Mineral.

Dose:3 capsules per day

Bone Support Nutrients

“Contains optimal amounts of the key bone building nutrients that are vital to the prevention and management of osteoporosis and osteopenia. Two caplets contain Calcium: 600mg, Vitamin D: 800 IU, Magnesium: 300 mg, Silicon: 3 mg, Icariin Flavonoid: 60mg, Betaine Hydrochloride: 10mg and boron: 1.5 mg. Osteoporosis affects one in four women and one in eight men over the age of 50. Deaths from the consequences of osteoporosis kill more women each year than the combined mortality rate for breast and ovarian cancer. 20% of women and 25% of men die within the first year following an osteoporotic fracture of the hip. Osteoporosis is nearly 100% preventable, simply by providing bones with optimal nutrient support and sufficient weight bearing or resisted exercise. Bone Protection Made Easy Studies prove that adults of all ages require 1000-1500mg of calcium per day and 800-400IU of Vitamin D per day to maximize bone density. These amounts can be achieved by taking the Adëeva Bone Support Formula in conjunction with Adëeva’s All-In-One Multi-Vitamin and Mineral. In addition, these two products also provide optimal amounts of other vital bone support nutrients including magnesium, B- vitamins, copper, zinc, manganese, boron, silica, icariin avonoid and bioavonoids. The Icariin Flavonoid Is Proven To Reverse Bone Loss Icariin avonoid, (derived from Epimedium or Horny Goat Weed) is proven to increase bone density (even in postmenopausal women who have already lost bone mass) making it the only naturally occurring herbal agent known to reverse bone loss. The Adëeva Bone Support Formula contains 60 mg of Icariin Flavonoid – the exact dosage proven to reverse bone loss in postmenopausal women. The Icariin Flavonoid is known to inhibit osteoclastic activity and increase osteoblastic activity of bone cells. There are no drugs that can do this as well, or as safely (no side effects reported). “

Dose:1 – 3 caplet(s) per day, depending on diet and other supplement use
Additional Information:(Bone Support is optional based on your diet and bone density status)

Additional information

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Supplements for Men


All-in-One Multi-Vitamin & Mineral

Weight 0.0000 kg
Active Ingredients

Amounts for 4 caplets, 120 per bottle

Vitamin A (palmitate)
2500 IU

Beta Carotene
15000 IU

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
1000 IU

Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol succinate)
400 IU

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
1000 mg

Vitamin B-1 (thiamine mononitrate)
50 mg

Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin)
50 mg

Niacin (niacinimide)
50 mg

Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride)
50 mg

Vitamin B-12 (methylcobalamin)
50 mcg

Folic Acid
400 mcg

300 mcg

D-Pantothenic Acid (calcium d-pantothenate)
50 mg

Calcium (carbonate & citrate)
500 mg

Iron (ferrous fumarate)
6 mg

Magnesium (magnesium oxide)
200 mg

Zinc (citrate)
15 mg

Copper (gluconate)
2 mg

Chromium (hvp chelate)
50 mcg

Manganese (gluconate)
5 mg

Selenium (hvp chelate)
200 mcg

Molybdenum (citrate)
50 mcg

Bioflavonoids (citrus complex)
50 mg

Lycopene (5%)
6 mg

Lutein (5%)
6 mg


All-in-One Multi-Vitamin & Mineral contraindications & considerations:
Do not take this supplement if you have any of the following health conditions or circumstances listed below if there is no number listed next to it. If a number is listed next to the item below then adhere to the precautionary note explained in the legend at the bottom of the page.


History of allergic reaction/intolerance to vitamin supplements
GI Ulcer (5)
Pregnancy (1)
Breast feeding or Lactation (2)
Hemolytic Anemia (Glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency)
Kidney failure (Renal failure) (6)
History of kidney stone (3)
Wilson's Disease – copper storage disease (Hepatolenticular degeneration)
Hemochromatosis – Iron storage disease
Received an organ transplant of any kind (6)
If kidney has been removed (6)
Kidney clearance problem (e.g., a dialysis patient) (6)
Hyperparathyroidism (6)
Sarcoidosis (6)
Liver ailments (6)
Kidney disease (6)


Medication / Treatment / Apparatus

Receiving chemotherapy treatment (6)
Receiving radiation treatment (6)
(1) Pregnancy: Take one caplet per day PLUS prenatal vitamin (with physician approval)
(2) Breast Feeding or Lactation: Take one caplet per day PLUS prenatal vitamin (with physician approval)
(3) History of Kidney Stone:Take 2-3 caplets per day maximum
(5) Monitor patient tolerance with supplementation
(6) Requires approval from specialist/physician

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Supplements for Men


Supplements for Women


Supplements Packages


Supporting Research

B Vitamins Preserve Memory and Cognitive Function

Calcium: Requirements, Bioavailable forms, Physiology and related clinical aspects

Calcium Supplementation Increases Bone Density in Teenage American Girls

More Evidence That Selenium Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk

Antioxidant Supplements: Do They Help

Vitamine E And Vitamin C Still Safe To Take At Higher Doses

The Research Status of Vitamin A

Breakthrough: Need For Fosamax And Other Drugs To Manage Osteoporosis

Antioxidant Supplements May Reduce Cancer Risk: New Findings From The Epic Study

Vitamin E Succinate: The Preferred Form Of Vitamin E To Combat Breast, Prostate And Other Cancers

Nutritional Status Of Vitamin B12 Vitamin D Shown To Be Important Indicators Of Cancer Risk

B-Vitamin Supplementation Proven to Slow Brain Aging and Preserve Cognitive Function in Older Patients

Bone Support Formula

Weight 0.0000 kg
Active Ingredients

Amounts for 2 caplets, 60 per bottle

Total Carbohydrates
<1 gm

Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol)
800 IU

Calcium (as calcium carbonate and citrate)
600 mg

Magnesium (as magnesium chelate)
300 mg

Icariin Flavonoid (from 200 mg of Epimedium Horny Goat Weed)
300 mg

Betaine Hydrochloride
10 mg

Bamboo Extract (Bambusa vulgaris, leaf & stem) (70% silicone)
4.4 mg

Boron (as boron citrate)
1500 mcg


Bone Support Formula contraindications & considerations:

Do not take this supplement if you have any of the following health conditions or circumstances listed below if there is no number listed next to it.  If a number is listed next to the item below, then adhere to the precautionary note explained in the legend at the bottom of the page

Breast feeding or Lactation
Kidney failure (Renal failure) (6)
Received an organ transplant of any kind (6)
If kidney has been removed (6)
Kidney clearance problem (e.g., a dialysis patient) (6)
Child under 12 years of age (6)
Hyperparathyroidism (6)
Sarcoidosis (6)
Liver ailments (6)
Kidney disease (6)

Medication / Treatment / Apparatus
Receiving chemotherapy treatment (6)
Receiving radiation treatment (6)


(6) Requires approval from specialist

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Supplements for Men


Supplements for Women


Supplements Packages


Supporting Research

Vitamin D In The Prevention Of Osteoporosis And Cancer

Calcium: Requirements, Bloavailable Forms, Physiology And Related Clinical Aspects

Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis: The Proven Role Of Supplementation

It Takes More Than Vitamin D Supplementation To Optimize Your Defence Against Cancer

Icariin Flavonoid in Horny Goat Weed Boosts Bone Density in Postmenopausal Women

Breakthrough Study Using Calcium And Vitamin D To Manage Osteoporosis

Nature's Essential Oils

Weight 0.0000 kg
Active Ingredients

Alpha Linolenic Acid (Omega 3)600 mg
Gamma Linolenic Acid (Omega 6)225 mg
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (Omega 3)360 mg
Docosahexaenoic Acid (Omega 3)240 mg
Linoleic Acid (Omega 6)225 mg
Oleic Acid (Omega 9)345 mg
Vitamin E (from mixed tocopherols)30IU
Calories from Fat30
Total Fat3 g
Polyunsaturated Fat3 g
Monounsaturated Fat0.9 g
Saturated Fat0.6 g
Cholesterol25.2 mg
Carbohydrate< 3mg


Nature's Essential Oils contraindications & considerations:
Do not take this supplement if you have any of the following health conditions or circumstances listed below if there is no number listed next to it.  If a number is listed next to the item below, then adhere to the precautionary note explained in the legend at the bottom of the page


Pregnancy (6)
Breast feeding or Lactation (6)
Kidney failure (Renal failure) (6)
Received an organ transplant of any kind (6)
If kidney has been removed (6)
Kidney clearance problem (e.g., a dialysis patient) (6)
Hemophilia (6)
Liver ailments (6)
Kidney disease (6)

Medication / Treatment / Apparatus

Anti-coagulant therapy or drug such as Warfarin or Coumadin (8)
Receiving chemotherapy treatment (6)
Receiving radiation treatment (6)
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (8)

(6) Requires approval from specialist
(8) Monitor patient INR or prothrombin time to guard against a bleeding disorder (feverfew concern)

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Supplements for Men


Supplements for Women


Supplements Packages


Supporting Research

Omega-3 Fats Linked To Prevention Of Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

Omega-3 Fats May Reduce Risk of Age-related Cognitive Decline, Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

Understanding Essential Fats, Prostaglandins and Skin Health(Overview)

Why the combination of flaxseed, borage seed and fish oil is the optimal blend for the heart, brain, joints and the prevention of cancer

An Essential Fat for a Childs' Brain Development During Pregnancy and Lactation