Author: Dr. James Meschino


LMU 238 – The Sobering Truth: Even One Drink Per Day Alters Your Brain

The Sobering Truth: Even One Drink Per Day Alters Your BrainSource: Medscape Publication (April 13, 2022)Lifestyle Medicine Update (April 14, 2022)Introduction:Recent research has unveiled startling connections between even modest alcohol consumption and detectable brain changes. A massive study involving over 36,000 healthy adults aged 40 to 69 in the UK found that as alcohol intake Read More


LMU 237 – Niacin: A Brain-Boosting Vitamin That May Fight Alzheimer’s

Niacin: A Brain-Boosting Vitamin That May Fight Alzheimer’sSource: J Science Translational Medicine (March 2022)Lifestyle Medicine Update (April 6, 2022)Introduction:Discover the brain-boosting potential of niacin, a key B vitamin. Recent research unveils niacin’s role in protecting cognitive health and fighting Alzheimer’s disease. Learn how niacin activates microglia cells in the brain, reducing harmful plaque and inflammation. Read More


LMU 236 – Unleaded: Protecting Your Brain from the Legacy of Leaded Gasoline

Unleaded: Protecting Your Brain from the Legacy of Leaded GasolineSource: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2022)Lifestyle Medicine Update (March 23, 2022)Introduction:Unearth the hidden consequences of leaded gasoline, a silent health crisis that affected millions. Lead exposure, especially during childhood, has long-lasting impacts on cognitive abilities and health. Dive into the extensive study conducted Read More


LMU 235 – Optimizing Lung Health: The Dynamic Duo of Vitamin E and Vitamin C

Optimizing Lung Health: The Dynamic Duo of Vitamin E and Vitamin C Source: Oregon State University Study (2006) Lifestyle Medicine Update (March 16, 2022)Introduction:Discover the remarkable synergy of vitamins E and C in defending lung health. A 2006 study unveiled their potential, especially for smokers. Learn optimal dosages to protect against chronic lung diseases, like Read More


LMU 234 – Vitamin E: A Breath of Fresh Air for Lung Health

Vitamin E: A Breath of Fresh Air for Lung Health Source: American Thoracic Society (2010) Lifestyle Medicine Update (March 10, 2022)Introduction:This article explores the remarkable benefits of vitamin E supplementation in preventing chronic lung diseases, challenging the skepticism surrounding supplements. The research presented at the 2010 American Thoracic Society Meeting showcases vitamin E’s role as Read More


LMU 233 – Choosing the Right Vitamin D: D2 vs. D3 for Immune Health

Choosing the Right Vitamin D: D2 vs. D3 for Immune Health Source: Frontiers in Immunology (2022) Nutrition / Natural Medicine Update (February , 2016)Introduction:When it comes to vitamin D, there’s more to the story than meets the eye. Many folks may not be aware that vitamin D comes in two distinct forms: vitamin D2 and Read More


LMU 232 – Revealing the True Cost of Alcohol: Insights from the UK Biobank Study

Revealing the True Cost of Alcohol: Insights from the UK Biobank Study Source: Journal Circulation (December 2021) Lifestyle Medicine Update (February 22, 2022)Introduction:In the pursuit of understanding the impact of lifestyle choices on our health, researchers often turn to large-scale, long-term studies. The UK Biobank study, tracking a staggering 350,000 individuals over seven years, has Read More


TWM 52 – One Last Look: Summing Up

One Last Look: Summing UpToday’s Will Power Moment – 52with Dr. James MeschinoThis is Willpower Moment edition, Number 52. It’s the final one in the series. We have now been together for a full year.  During that year, I have shared with you the psychological strategies and tactics that people use to keep themselves on Read More


TWM 51 – The Power of Inspirational Quotes

The Power of Inspirational Quotes Today’s Will Power Moment – 51with Dr. James MeschinoOkay, we are now into week 51 in our series of understanding the psychological strategies and tactics used by people who routinely overcome daily temptations and challenges and consistently eat healthy, exercise regularly and live a more wellness-oriented lifestyle, and make it Read More


TWM 50 – Focus in the Right Direction and Say “I Believe”!

Focus in the Right Direction and Say “I Believe”! Today’s Will Power Moment – 50with Dr. James MeschinoExperts tell us that when it comes to setting goals or changing behaviors, a fundamental requirement is that you believe in yourself, that you have faith in your ability. When you make the decision to eat healthier, exercise Read More