Author: Dr. James Meschino


TWM 19 – Wellness Goals: Beware of the Danger of the Finish Line

Wellness Goals: Beware of the Danger of the Finish LineToday’s Will Power Moment – 19with Dr. James MeschinoMany people set out to do big things in their wellness objectives. Starting from an overweight/out of shape condition, they decide to train for and complete a half marathon or a full marathon, 6 months down the road. Read More


TWM 18 – Start Now

Start NowToday’s Will Power Moment – 18with Dr. James MeschinoIt’s very likely that you have wellness activities you are planning to start with one day soon. It may be cutting down on smoking, drinking less alcohol, starting a workout program, cutting out red meat, or ice cream, potato chips, French fries – or whatever weakness Read More


TWM 17 – You Need a Daily Wellness Checklist

You Need a Daily Wellness ChecklistToday’s Will Power Moment – 17with Dr. James MeschinoVirtually all of the people and patients I have seen over the years who succeed with their wellness intentions on an ongoing basis – and make it look easy – do so, consciously or unconsciously, by having a daily wellness checklist. The same Read More


TWM 16 – Wellness Habits Trump Wellness Decision Making

Wellness Habits Trump Wellness Decision MakingToday’s Will Power Moment – 16with Dr. James MeschinoPeople who consistently adhere to their weight management and wellness goals tend to have one thing in common: they don’t waste a lot of mental energy trying to make wellness decisions each day, but rather have made a simple decision to convert Read More


TWM 15 – Your Health Goals Have to be “Your Health Goals”

Your Health Goals Have to be “Your Health Goals”Today’s Will Power Moment – 15with Dr. James MeschinoIn the book “No Name in the Street”, James Baldwin writes, “People pay for what they do, and still more, for what they have ALLOWED themselves to become. And they pay for it, very simply, by the lives they Read More


TWM 14 – Absence Does Not Make the Heart Grow Fonder

Absence Does Not Make the Heart Grow FonderToday’s Will Power Moment – 14with Dr. James MeschinoWhen it comes to swearing off fattening or artery-clogging foods, the best strategy for most people is usually total abstinence. Most people, including myself, are not really good at true moderation.Use small, safe indulgences each day to help prevent the Read More


TWM 13 – Don’t Plan a Big Bad Food Reward

Don’t Plan a Big Bad Food RewardToday’s Will Power Momentwith Dr. James MeschinoMany people make the mistake of rewarding themselves, after they have been so good, with a big and bad food reward. They went to the gym and worked out hard; they are very proud of themselves and now feel entitled to a big, bad Read More


TWM 11 – Get More Rest to Improve Exercise Compliance and Results

Get More Rest to Improve Exercise Compliance and ResultsToday’s Will Power Moment – 11with Dr. James MeschinoOne of the reasons that people drop out of their exercise regiment is fatigue (physical and mental fatigue), which is often triggered by lack of sleep.The minute you feel really tired or exhausted, it’s very unlikely that you’ll find Read More


TWM 10 – Would you like yourself better if…?

Would you like yourself better if…?Today’s Will Power Moment – 10with Dr. James MeschinoHere’s a question:Would you like yourself better if:You lost any excess body fat you are carrying around?Had a more fit, toned body?Were more compliant with your exercise program and better dietary practices?Would it have a positive effect on:Your level of happiness and Read More