You Need a Daily Wellness Checklist
Today's Will Power Moment - 17
with Dr. James Meschino
Virtually all of the people and patients I have seen over the years who succeed with their wellness intentions on an ongoing basis – and make it look easy – do so, consciously or unconsciously, by having a daily wellness checklist. The same way you have a “to do” list of things you intend to get done on any given day at work, at home, in your social life, etc., in order to succeed with your weight loss and wellness goals, you also have to create a “to do” list that lays out your daily wellness strategy plan. Then, at the end of the day you simply check it off to see how well you did and where you might be falling short. It’s really very simple. All you have to do is create a list of the wellness items you plan to follow through with each day, then check them off at the end of the day to keep yourself compliant. It works like a charm.
In some cases, you may want to do certain things only 3 times a week, or 4 times a week, or 5 times a week, instead of everyday – things like strength training, or a cardio program, or yoga. I have made it really fast and easy for you to create a Daily Wellness Checklist that fits you like a glove. On the dashboard page of your Meschino Wellness Platform, you will see the Daily Wellness Checklist icon. When you click on it, you’ll see the Daily Wellness Checklist that I follow personally. After over 30 years of following the research on longevity and disease prevention, these are the key strategies I have arrived at for myself. After reviewing my Daily Wellness Checklist, you can create your own by simply deleting some of mine and/or adding some of your own. Then at the end of each day, click on the Daily Wellness Checklist and check off the items you completed. The checklist gives you a running total as the week unfolds so you can see how well you performed overall at the end of each week.
The truth is, individuals who remain compliant with their wellness intentions use a daily wellness checklist to help keep themselves on track. The beauty of it is that it only takes a minute each day to check off the items you completed – so it’s not time consuming or overwhelming. But it really is really inspirational, and it really is a fantastic way to keep yourself on track and keep wellness top-of-mind. In fact, it’s the simplest and most effective way to adhere to your wellness intentions around food, drinks, exercise, supplements, sleep, stress reduction etc. So, I can’t emphasize enough what a profound difference it will make in your life if you immediately access the Daily Wellness Checklist on the dashboard page of your Meschino Wellness Platform. Simply modify the existing list to make it your own, then take a minute at the end of each day to check off the items you completed.
If you’re serious about having a better body and improving or optimizing your health, this is how it’s done.
So thanks for watching, and I’ll see you next time.
Dr. James Meschino
Dr. James Meschino
Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.