Author: Dr. James Meschino


LMU 20 – The Impact of Caffeine on Sleep, Alertness, and Performance

LMU 20 – The Impact of Caffeine on Sleep, Alertness, and PerformanceSource: Journal Nutrition Reviews 2014Lifestyle Medicine Update (August 19, 2016)Introduction:Caffeine, a widely consumed stimulant found in coffee, tea, and other beverages, has long been associated with various effects on the body, including insomnia, increased alertness, and enhanced athletic performance. But how exactly does caffeine Read More


LMU 19 – Coenzyme Q10: A Vital Nutrient for Heart Health and Beyond

LMU 19 – Coenzyme Q10: A Vital Nutrient for Heart Health and Beyond Source: Journal Nurse Prescribing (2013) Lifestyle Medicine Update August 14, 2016Introduction:Coenzyme Q10, commonly known as CoQ10, plays a pivotal role as a vitamin-like substance produced naturally within the human body. It is essential for converting food into energy in almost all cells. Read More


LMU 18 – Alcohol and Cancer Risk: A Comprehensive Review for Public Health

LMU 18 – Alcohol and Cancer Risk: A Comprehensive Review for Public HealthSource: Journal Addiction, July 21, 2016Lifestyle Medicine Update (August 7, 2016)Introduction:Alcohol consumption has been a part of human culture for centuries, but scientific evidence has brought to light its link to cancer risk in recent years. This article aims to examine the association Read More


LMU 17 – Lifestyle Change Shown to Reverse Aging of our Cells

LMU 17 – Lifestyle Change Shown to Reverse Aging of our Cells Source: The Lancet, 2013 Lifestyle Medicine Update (July 30, 2016)Introduction:In 2013, a groundbreaking study published in Lancet shook the scientific community by revealing that fundamental lifestyle changes could reverse cellular aging by lengthening telomeres—the protective caps at the end of our DNA strands. Read More


LMU 16 – LDL-Cholesterol: A Key Player in Heart Disease Prevention

LMU 16 – LDL-Cholesterol: A Key Player in Heart Disease Prevention Source: Medscape Article: July 14, 2016 Lifestyle Medicine Update (July 21, 2016)Introduction:This article explores the critical role of LDL-cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) in heart disease and cardiovascular risk. Elevated levels of LDL-cholesterol have long been associated with an increased risk of heart disease and related deaths. This harmful cholesterol accumulates Read More


LMU 15 – Green Tea Catechins: A Promising Strategy for Preventing and Managing Prostate Cancer

LMU 15 – Green Tea Catechins: A Promising Strategy for Preventing and Managing Prostate Cancer Source: Journal Cancer Research, 2006, and Journal Cancer Prevention and Research, 2009 Lifestyle Medicine Update (July 16, 2016) Introduction:Green tea has gained widespread recognition for its numerous health benefits, and recent scientific investigations have highlighted the potential role of green Read More


LMU 14 – Green Tea Catechins: A Path to Improved Health

LMU 14 – Green Tea Catechins: A Path to Improved Health Source: Lifestyle Medicine Update (July 9, 2016)Introduction:Green tea has a long-standing reputation for its health benefits, and ongoing research continues to unveil its potential advantages. In this article, we explore the impact of green tea catechins on various health markers and delve into their Read More


LMU 12 – Understanding the Gluten-Free Movement: Celiac Disease, Wheat Allergy, and Gluten Sensitivity

LMU 12 – Understanding the Gluten-Free Movement: Celiac Disease, Wheat Allergy, and Gluten SensitivitySource: Journal of Clinical Nutrition, April, 2015 (Vol. 34, Issue 2, pages: 189-194)Lifestyle Medicine Update (June, 16, 2016)Introduction:Gluten has become a hot topic due to the rising popularity of the gluten-free movement. It combines two proteins in wheat and other grains: gliadin Read More