Set Big Wellness Goals to Create Excitement, But Not So Big That You're Overwhelmed
Today's Will Power Moment - 25
with Dr. James Meschino
Today I want to talk to you about one more key to setting wellness goals and succeeding with them. People like to do things that get them excited – and so it is with wellness goals. A major key to success is to set wellness goals that are big enough to create excitement, but not too big to become overwhelming, unrealistic and/or incongruent with your other goals and obligations.This applies to making dietary changes, your exercise routine, the rate at which you want to lose body fat, the rate at which you want to gain lean mass and muscle tone, or accomplish an exercise objective, like running a 10 kilometres in under so many minutes. Let’s say, under 45 minutes, as an example.
Make changes that are big enough and significant enough to create excitement, because real changes will result from them, but no so big that they will become overwhelming once you start into them. For instance, with my work schedule and other obligations, it would be unrealistic for me train for the Full Course Iron Man Competition in Hawaii, which entails a 2.4 mile open water swim in the ocean, followed by a 112 mile bike ride and a 26 mile run. I’m in pretty good shape, but that would be a giant leap for me to take, and I would likely become overwhelmed by the amount of training required and the time commitment – which would, doubtless, lead to me giving up. On the other hand, working to improve my running time for a 5 or 10 kilometer run, would be very realistic. Increasing my lean mass by 5 pounds over the next year, along with my overall strength by 10-15%, would also be realistic – and goals like this actually get me excited and keep me on track.
Ask yourself, what health goals would get me excited? And what is realistic for you to achieve over the next 12 months? Think about changes you want to make to your body fat, body weight, strength, muscle tone and definition, endurance ability, possibly your blood sugar, cholesterol and/or blood pressure levels.
You know, no matter how good your body is, and how impressive your blood work, most people indicate that they would like to have a better body in some way than they have right now. And most people would like to, at least, be a little more fit, a little more toned, or improve some aspect of health and wellness, even if it’s just improving some area of their diet. Whatever it is for you, identify it. Make the goal big enough to create excitement because real changes will result from the effort, but not so big that it will ultimately overwhelm and defeat you. Everybody’s situation is different, so make the goals specific to your circumstances and your present state of health and your present fitness level.
Wellness goals should be exciting as visible changes will result from the effort you put in – and you will be happier with yourself – on many levels – when you put in the effort in and achieve those goals. That is exciting for most people! And once again, just keep in mind not to make those goals so big, they becoome unrealistic and overwhelming, which will have the opposite effect of making you feel defeated – and you wil likely give up. The trick is to finding the balance between realistic and exciting goal setting, versus unrealistic and way-too-big-to-actuyally-achieve goalsetting. Deep down, you know what you are capable of and what you would like to achieve in a realistic sense. So I encourarge you to get on with it! And get excited about the new you that lies ahead as you push forward toward the mark.
Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great.
Dr. James Meschino
Dr. James Meschino
Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.