Category: Lifestyle Medicine Update


LMU 314 – More Plant-based Diet Helps Improves Sexual Function and Quality of Life in Men Previously Treated for Localized Prostate Cancer

More Plant-based Diet Helps Improves Sexual Function and Quality of Life in Men Previously Treated for Localized Prostate CancerSource: Journal Cancer (January 2024)Lifestyle Medicine Update (March 20, 2024)On a number of occasions in the past I have cited research showing that a more plant-based diet is strongly associated with a reduction in risk of developing Read More


LMU 313 – Astragalus Supplementation Boosts Immunity in Elite Athletes

Astragalus Supplementation Boosts Immunity in Elite AthletesSource: J Int Soc Sports Nutr (2021)Lifestyle Medicine Update (March 13, 2024)Studies have shown that the herb Astragalus helps the body adapt to stress and helps to strengthen and regulate our immune system. A very impressive study in this regard was published in the Journal of the International Society Read More


LMU 312 – Astragalus Herb Shown to Have Impressive Anti-Aging and Disease Prevention Properties

Astragalus Herb Shown to Have Impressive Anti-Aging and Disease Prevention Properties Source: Aging and Disease Journal (2017) Lifestyle Medicine Update (March 6, 2022)An important review paper highlighting the anti-aging, disease prevention and therapeutic properties of the herb Astragalus was published in the journal Aging and Disease in 2017.Experimental and animal studies have consistently shown that Read More


LMU 311 – Selenium Supplementation Improves Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Immune and Heart Function

Selenium Supplementation Improves Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Immune and Heart FunctionSource: Main Reference: journal Thyroid (Feb 16, 2024)Lifestyle Medicine Update (February 27, 2024)Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most common cause of an underactive thyroid problem in developed countries, affecting about 1 in 1,000 men and 4 in 1,000 women in their lifetime. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease Read More


LMU 310 – Ground Flaxseed Shown to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk and Related Biomarkers

Unraveling the Protective Power of Flaxseed: A Revolutionary Approach to Breast Cancer Prevention Source: Journal Microbiology Spectrum (December 7, 2023) Lifestyle Medicine Update (December 14, 2023)Introduction: Harnessing Nature’s ShieldThe quest for effective breast cancer prevention strategies has led researchers to explore the potential of natural compounds, among which flaxseed has emerged as a beacon of Read More