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Category: Vitamin

Vitamin D Supplementation Reduces Asthma Attack

LMU 40 – Enhancing Asthma Management with Vitamin D: A Noteworthy Revelation

LMU 40 – Enhancing Asthma Management with Vitamin D: A Noteworthy Revelation Source: European Respiratory Society International Congress, 2016 Lifestyle Medicine Update (February 2, 2017)Introduction:In this edition of the Lifestyle Medicine Update, we delve into a September 2016 review paper that has spotlighted a compelling aspect of asthma management. The study explored the potential benefits Read More


LMU – 04 Supplements in Breast Cancer Survivors: Enhancing Survival through Diet, Lifestyle, and Nutrition

LMU 04 – Supplements in Breast Cancer Survivors: Enhancing Survival through Diet, Lifestyle, and Nutrition Source: Journal of Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Nov., 2011 Lifestyle Medicine Update (April 6, 2016)Introduction:Welcome to Lifestyle Medicine Update with Dr. James Meschino. Today, I am excited to discuss a groundbreaking study published in Breast Cancer Research and Therapy Read More