Category: Lifestyle Medicine Update


LMU – 189 The Mediterranean Diet’s Remarkable Impact on Prostate Cancer

LMU – 189 The Mediterranean Diet’s Remarkable Impact on Prostate CancerSource: Journal “Cancer” (2021)Lifestyle Medicine Update (January 30, 2021)Introduction:In January 2021, a groundbreaking study published in the journal “Cancer” illuminated the profound influence of the Mediterranean diet on the progression of localized, low-grade prostate cancer in men. The findings provided compelling evidence that adopting a Read More


LMU – 188 Unlocking the Nutritional Power of Chickpeas and Hummus

LMU – 188 Unlocking the Nutritional Power of Chickpeas and HummusSource: Journal Nutrients (2016)Lifestyle Medicine Update (January 22, 2021)Introduction:In this Lifestyle Medicine Update, we’re diving into the world of chickpeas and hummus, shedding light on their exceptional nutritional value and health-boosting benefits. A comprehensive review paper published in the journal Nutrients in December 2016 has Read More


LMU – 187 Unlocking the Surprising Benefits of Avocado: A Nutrient-Packed Revelation

LMU – 187 Unlocking the Surprising Benefits of Avocado: A Nutrient-Packed RevelationSource: Journal of Nutrition (August 2020)Lifestyle Medicine Update (January 7, 2020)Introduction:Avocadoes, often maligned for their high-fat content, have undergone a significant image transformation in recent years. What was once considered a potential contributor to weight gain is now revealing itself as a multifaceted health Read More


LMU – 186 Beetroot Juice: A Natural Blood Pressure Regulator

LMU – 186 Beetroot Juice: A Natural Blood Pressure RegulatorSource: Journal of Nutrition (2013 Meta-analysis)Lifestyle Medicine Update (Dec 18, 2020)Introduction:For a substantial number of individuals grappling with high blood pressure, the quest for effective management often extends beyond medication. These patients find themselves teetering on the precipice of hypertension, seeking to inch closer to the Read More


LMU – 185 Alcohol and the Brain: Unveiling the Lifelong Impact

LMU – 185 Alcohol and the Brain: Unveiling the Lifelong ImpactSource: British Medical Journal December 2020Lifestyle Medicine Update (Dec 11, 2020)Introduction:Alcohol, a ubiquitous social lubricant, has long held a complex relationship with the human brain. A groundbreaking study, unveiled in the British Medical Journal in December 2020, casts a sobering light on the detrimental effects Read More


LMU – 184 Revitalizing with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Unlocking Anti-Aging Potential

LMU – 184 Revitalizing with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Unlocking Anti-Aging PotentialSource: Journal “Aging” (2020)Lifestyle Medicine Update (Dec 4, 2020)Introduction:In the realm of medical innovation, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has emerged as a compelling approach, offering a unique blend of comfort and therapeutic promise. This treatment entails reclining in a sealed chamber, complete with expansive windows Read More


LMU – 183 The Vegan and Vegetarian Diet Dilemma: Health Benefits and Nutritional Pitfalls

LMU – 183 The Vegan and Vegetarian Diet Dilemma: Health Benefits and Nutritional PitfallsSource: German Science Journal: Aerzteblatte.deLifestyle Medicine Update (November 27, 2020)Introduction:In recent years, the allure of plant-based diets, specifically vegan and vegetarian lifestyles, has surged in popularity across Germany and beyond. As more individuals opt to abstain from animal-derived foods, it’s crucial to Read More


LMU – 182 Discover the Power of Selenium: A Mineral with Immune-Supporting Superpowers

LMU – 182 Discover the Power of Selenium: A Mineral with Immune-Supporting SuperpowersSource: J Frontiers in Nutrition 2020 and Others (See Below)Lifestyle Medicine Update (November 21, 2020)Introduction:In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, the spotlight often falls on various vitamins and minerals, each hailed for its unique contributions to our well-being. Among these, selenium—a Read More


LMU – 181 The Power of Anti-Inflammatory Diets: Shielding Your Heart and Brain

LMU – 181 The Power of Anti-Inflammatory Diets: Shielding Your Heart and BrainSource: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (Nov. 2020)Lifestyle Medicine Update (November 14, 2020)Introduction:In the quest for a healthier, longer life, scientific research continues to reveal the profound impact of our dietary choices on our well-being. A groundbreaking study, published in the Read More