Category: Lifestyle Medicine Update


LMU 119 – Discover the Power of Ground Flaxseed: A Key to Weight Loss and Vitality

LMU 119 – Discover the Power of Ground Flaxseed: A Key to Weight Loss and VitalitySource: American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism (Dec 2018)Lifestyle Medicine Update (February 13, 2019)Introduction:In the intricate realm of nutritional science, certain superfoods emerge as dynamic agents of wellness, wielding a plethora of health benefits. Among these, ground flaxseed stands tall, Read More


LMU 118 – Nourishing Your Mood: The Power of Diet and Depression Management

LMU 118 – Nourishing Your Mood: The Power of Diet and Depression ManagementSource: Journal Psychosomatic Medicine (February 2019)Lifestyle Medicine Update (February 8, 2019)Introduction:In the grand tapestry of health and wellness, the threads of our physical and mental well-being are inextricably intertwined. As the shadows of depression and mood fluctuations loom over lives, a question emerges Read More


LMU 117 – Unlocking the Potential of B-Vitamins: A Ray of Hope for Schizophrenia Management

LMU 117 – Unlocking the Potential of B-Vitamins: A Ray of Hope for Schizophrenia ManagementSource: Journal of Psychiatric Neuroscience and Therapeutics (January 19, 2019)Lifestyle Medicine Update (January 25, 2019)Introduction:The enigmatic labyrinth of schizophrenia, a complex mental disorder, has long captivated the attention of medical minds. The pursuit of effective treatments continues, fuelled by the unyielding quest to Read More


LMU 116 – Herbs and Autoimmune Disease Flare-ups

LMU 116 – Navigating Immune Modulation: A Delicate Balancing Act for Autoimmune WarriorsSource: Archives Dermatology (2004); Journal Gastroenterology Medicine & Research (2018)Lifestyle Medicine Update (January 16, 2019)Introduction:The body’s immune system, a vigilant guardian against invaders, sometimes needs a little fine-tuning. Nature, in its wisdom, has bestowed upon us a repertoire of natural supplements and foods Read More


LMU 115 – The Not-So-Sweet Truth: Unveiling the Link Between Sugars and Breast Cancer

LMU 115 – The Not-So-Sweet Truth: Unveiling the Link Between Sugars and Breast CancerSource: Journal of Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (October 2018)Lifestyle Medicine Update (January 5, 2019)Introduction:In the intricate tapestry of health, the relationship between dietary choices and cancer has long captivated researchers. A groundbreaking study published in the esteemed journal Breast Cancer Research Read More


LMU 114 – Unlocking the Beauty Benefits of Coconut Oil: A Topical Marvel for Hair and Skin

LMU 114 – Unlocking the Beauty Benefits of Coconut Oil: A Topical Marvel for Hair and SkinSources: Various Scientific Journals – see References at end of NewsletterLifestyle Medicine Update (December 16, 2018)Introduction:Coconut oil, a darling of the health and wellness community, has garnered considerable attention for its potential benefits. While clinical studies have cautioned against Read More


LMU 113 – FDA approves MUFA Heart Claim

LMU 113 – Unlocking Heart Health: The Power of Oleic Acid-Rich OilsSource: U.S. Food & Drug Administration (November 19, 2018)Lifestyle Medicine Update (November 29, 2018)Introduction:In the realm of nutritional wisdom, few revelations are as universally recognized as the health benefits of olive oil. This oil, celebrated for its nourishing properties, has been hailed for its Read More


LMU 111 – Unveiling the Cardiovascular Benefits of Vitamin D: A Key to High Blood Pressure Prevention and Stroke Recovery

LMU 111 – Unveiling the Cardiovascular Benefits of Vitamin D: A Key to High Blood Pressure Prevention and Stroke RecoverySource: International Journal of Nanomedicine (January 2018)Lifestyle Medicine Update (November 3, 2018)IntroductionIn the pursuit of optimal health, understanding the intricate links between nutrition, physiology, and disease prevention is paramount. One such nexus lies in the relationship Read More


LMU 110 – Longevity Secret: The Power of Aerobic Fitness

LMU 110 – Longevity Secret: The Power of Aerobic FitnessSource: Journal of the American Medical Association (October 2018)Lifestyle Medicine Update (Oct 27, 2018)IntroductionIn the tapestry of health, threads of wisdom have long woven together the associations between risk factors and diseases like heart disease and cancer. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, elevated blood sugar—these Read More