Category: Lifestyle Medicine Update

LMU 209 – Discovering the Secrets of Sound Sleep with Melatonin: A Natural Approach

Discovering the Secrets of Sound Sleep with Melatonin: A Natural ApproachSource: Frontiers of Endocrinology Journal (2019)Lifestyle Medicine Update (August 4, 2021)Introduction:Sleep is a vital component of a healthy life, and when it’s elusive, it can have cascading effects on our well-being. If you’re among the many who grapple with insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns, a Read More

LMU 208 – Fermented Foods: The Key to Gut Health and Immunity

Fermented Foods: The Key to Gut Health and ImmunitySource: Journal Cell (July 2021)Lifestyle Medicine Update (July 14, 2021)Introduction:Recent findings published in the journal Cell in July 2021 have highlighted the remarkable benefits of incorporating fermented foods into your diet. This dietary choice not only supports your gut microflora but also reduces systemic inflammation markers throughout Read More

LMU 207 – The Secret to Heart Health: Ideal LDL-Cholesterol Levels

The Secret to Heart Health: Ideal LDL-Cholesterol Levels Source: New England Journal of Medicine (2004); Cleveland Clinic (2019) Lifestyle Medicine Update (June 22, 2021)Introduction:Maintaining heart health is a top priority, and recent studies have reaffirmed the significance of keeping LDL-cholesterol levels in the ideal range to prevent heart disease. We often hear about the importance Read More

LMU 206 – How Vitamin D Levels May Hold the Key to Combatting Opioid Addiction

How Vitamin D Levels May Hold the Key to Combatting Opioid AddictionSource: J Science Advances (June 2021)Lifestyle Medicine Update (June 16, 2021)Introduction:Opioid addiction is a grave public health crisis, and a groundbreaking study published in the journal Science Advances in June 2021 has illuminated a previously unrecognized factor in this ongoing epidemic. This research suggests Read More


LMU 205 – Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny: How Lifestyle Choices Can Reduce the Risk of Colon Cancer

Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny: How Lifestyle Choices Can Reduce the Risk of Colon CancerSource: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (April 2021)Lifestyle Medicine Update (June 7, 2021)Introduction:For decades, the scientific community held high hopes that the Human Genome Project would unlock the secrets behind age-related degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and various cancers. The Read More


LMU 204 – Discover the Power of Omega-3 for Expecting Mothers: A Game-Changer in Preventing Early Preterm Births

Omega-3 Discover the Power of Omega-3 for Expecting Mothers: A Game-Changer in Preventing Early Preterm BirthsSource: EClinicalMedicine May 2021 (a clinical journal of The Lancet)Lifestyle Medicine Update (May 26, 2021)Introduction:Pregnancy is a transformative journey filled with excitement and anticipation, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges and concerns. One of the most Read More


LMU 203 – Harnessing the Power of Adaptogen Herbs: A Natural Defence Against Stress

Harnessing the Power of Adaptogen Herbs: A Natural Defence Against StressSource: Various peer-reviewed scientific journals (see references)Lifestyle Medicine Update (May 13, 2021)Introduction:In our fast-paced modern world, stress has become an unwelcome companion in our daily lives. The constant demands of work, relationships, and the challenges of our times can take a toll on our mental Read More


LMU 201 – Unlocking Natural Solutions for PMS: A Holistic Approach

Unlocking Natural Solutions for PMS: A Holistic ApproachSource: Multiple Peer-reviewed Research Papers (see References)Lifestyle Medicine Update (April 28, 2021)Introduction:Premenstrual syndrome, commonly known as PMS, affects millions of women worldwide, causing a range of uncomfortable symptoms in the days leading up to menstruation. While some women experience only mild symptoms, others endure severe discomfort that disrupts Read More