Category: Lifestyle Medicine Update


LMU 139 – Harnessing Vitamin C for Immune Power: Unveiling the Dynamic Link

LMU 139 – Harnessing Vitamin C for Immune Power: Unveiling the Dynamic Link Source: Journal “Nutrients” (Nov 2017) Lifestyle Medicine Update (August 17, 2019)Introduction:Embark on a journey that delves deep into the realms of human health and immunity, guided by the beacon of vitamin C. Our tale begins with a fascinating review nestled within the Read More


LMU 138 – The Evolutionary Link Between Red Meat and Heart Health: Unveiling the Neu5Gc Connection

LMU 138 – The Evolutionary Link Between Red Meat and Heart Health: Unveiling the Neu5Gc ConnectionSource: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (July 22, 2019)Lifestyle Medicine Update (August 10, 2019)Introduction:Embark on a voyage tracing back millions of years, unravelling the intricate tapestry of human evolution. A revelation emerges—a protein named Neu5Gc, encoded by the Read More


LMU 137 – Breathing Easier: Unveiling the Potential of NAC in COPD Management

LMU 137 – Breathing Easier: Unveiling the Potential of NAC in COPD ManagementSource: Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis (2013)Lifestyle Medicine Update (July 26, 2019)Introduction:COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stands as a formidable adversary—a lung disease that orchestrates chronic obstruction of airflow, robbing its victims of the simple act of breathing. The terminology Read More


LMU 136 – Unlocking Relief: Curcumin’s Promise for Osteoarthritis Pain

LMU 136 – Unlocking Relief: Curcumin’s Promise for Osteoarthritis PainSource: Journal “Nutrients” (2019)Lifestyle Medicine Update (July 19, 2019)Introduction:In the realm of joint health, osteoarthritis emerges as a relentless foe that targets the knees and hips with unrelenting pain, swelling, and stiffness. The aftermath of this battle often robs individuals of mobility and the joy of physical activities. While anti-inflammatory Read More


LMU 135 – Empowering Fertility: N-Acetyl Cysteine’s Role in Combating PCOS

LMU 135 – Empowering Fertility: N-Acetyl Cysteine’s Role in Combating PCOSSource: Cell Journal (April 2017)Lifestyle Medicine Update (July 12, 2019)Introduction:Within the realm of women’s health, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) looms as a complex enigma, impacting 5-10% of reproductive-age women. Renowned as the leading cause of anovulatory infertility, PCOS casts a shadow over the dreams of Read More


LMU 134 – Unlocking Longevity: Blood and Urine Clues to a Vibrant Life

LMU 134 – Unlocking Longevity: Blood and Urine Clues to a Vibrant LifeSource: The Journal of Gerontology (June 2012)Lifestyle Medicine Update (July 6, 2019)Introduction:In the symphony of life, we all yearn for a prolonged and thriving existence—a journey marked by vitality, free from ailments, and brimming with vitality. In this pursuit, a groundbreaking study published Read More


LMU 133 – Harnessing Glutamine: A Key Player in Immune Function

LMU 133 – Harnessing Glutamine: A Key Player in Immune FunctionSource: Journal “Nutrients” (October 2018)Lifestyle Medicine Update (June 28, 2019)Introduction:In the complex symphony of human health, immunity takes center stage, defending the body against invaders and maintaining equilibrium. Amid the chorus of immune cells, one amino acid stands out as a maestro—glutamine. Abundantly present in Read More


LMU 132 – Unveiling the Immune Modulator: Vitamin D’s Role in Autoimmune Health

LMU 132 – Unveiling the Immune Modulator: Vitamin D’s Role in Autoimmune Health Source: Frontiers in Immunology (March 2019) Lifestyle Medicine Update (June 15, 2019)Introduction:The intricate dance of the human immune system is a delicate balance that safeguards the body against invaders while preserving its own tissues. However, for around 6% of the population plagued Read More


LMU 131 – The Unexpected Link: Glucosamine’s Heart-Protective Potential

LMU 131 – The Unexpected Link: Glucosamine’s Heart-Protective PotentialSource: British Medical Journal (May 2019)Lifestyle Medicine Update (June 5, 2019)Introduction:In the realm of health and wellness, the pursuit of effective strategies to prevent chronic conditions like joint arthritis is a common endeavor. However, a recent revelation has emerged, bridging the gap between joint health and cardiovascular Read More


LMU 130 – A Weight Loss Revelation: Avocadoes as Satiety Powerhouses

LMU 130 – A Weight Loss Revelation: Avocadoes as Satiety PowerhousesSource: Journal Nutrients (March 2019)Lifestyle Medicine Update (May 24, 2019)IntroductionIn the dynamic realm of dietary science, a groundbreaking revelation has emerged—a secret weapon in the battle against excess weight. The unsuspecting hero of this narrative is none other than the avocado, a nutrient-packed fruit that Read More