Category: Lifestyle Medicine Update


LMU 69 – Fatherhood and Nutrition: A Hidden Influence on Offspring’s Health

LMU 69 – Fatherhood and Nutrition: A Hidden Influence on Offspring’s Health Source: Proceedings of Royal Society B. Biological Sciences Journal – 2017 Lifestyle Medicine Update (October 20, 2017)Introduction: A Prelude to Paternal NutritionThe journey to parenthood is a transformative one, intertwined with a tapestry of growth and development. While the importance of maternal nutrition Read More


LMU 68 – Revitalizing the Spirit: Rhodiola’s Potential to Combat Burnout

LMU 68 – Revitalizing the Spirit: Rhodiola’s Potential to Combat Burnout Source: Journal Neuropsychiatric Diseases and Treatment (March 2017) Lifestyle Medicine UpdateIntroduction:In the bustling tapestry of modern life, burnout emerges as a palpable concern, weaving its tendrils through various facets of society. This prevalent phenomenon is not just a fleeting annoyance; it burgeons into a pressing issue Read More


LMU 65 – Unlocking the Sweet Secret of Cinnamon: A Powerful Ally Against Pre-Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk

LMU 65 – Unlocking the Sweet Secret of Cinnamon: A Powerful Ally Against Pre-Diabetes and Cardiovascular RiskSource: Journal – Lipids in Health and Disease (June 12, 2017)Lifestyle Medicine Update (September 2, 2017)IntroductionIn the ever-evolving realm of health and wellness, certain natural remedies emerge as stars, capturing the attention of researchers and enthusiasts alike. A recent Read More


LMU 64 – Unveiling the Potent Powers of Raw Beet Juice: A Dual Marvel for Heart Health and Athletic Performance

LMU 64 – Unveiling the Potent Powers of Raw Beet Juice: A Dual Marvel for Heart Health and Athletic Performance Source: Journal of Human Hypertension (2016) and the journal Nutrients (2017) Lifestyle Medicine Update (August 25, 2017)IntroductionAs the world of nutrition and wellness continues to evolve, certain superfoods emerge, capturing the spotlight for their remarkable Read More


LMU 63 – Boosting Heart Health with Almonds: Unveiling the HDL Cholesterol Connection

LMU 63 – Boosting Heart Health with Almonds: Unveiling the HDL Cholesterol Connection Source: Journal of Nutrition (August 1, 2017) Lifestyle Medicine Update (August 19, 2017)Introduction:In the realm of heart health, cholesterol levels play a pivotal role. Elevated levels of LDL-cholesterol, commonly known as the “bad cholesterol,” can pave the way for artery narrowing, culminating Read More

Nine Lifestyle Factors Shown to be Responsible for 35% of Dementia Cases

LMU 60 – Empowering Brain Health: Lifestyle and Nutrient Factors in Dementia Prevention

LMU 60 – Empowering Brain Health: Lifestyle and Nutrient Factors in Dementia PreventionLifestyle Medicine Update (July 29, 2017)Introduction:Dementia, with Alzheimer’s disease as its most usual form, poses a significant global health concern. A study presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference on July 20, 2017, and simultaneously published in The Lancet, unveiled an intriguing insight Read More