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LMU 80 – The Omega-3 Puzzle: Unveiling the Cancer-Preventing Power


LMU 80 – The Omega-3 Puzzle: Unveiling the Cancer-Preventing Power

Source: Journal of Biochemistry (December 2017)

Lifestyle Medicine Update (January 31, 2018)


Over the years, the scientific spotlight has shone brightly on the potential cancer-fighting properties of omega-3 fats. This intriguing journey has woven together human observational studies, experimental research with animals, and the complex cellular dance of prostaglandin series-3 (PG-3) – mini-hormones that arise from omega-3 fats. These PG-3 molecules are skilled orchestrators of cell division, holding the key to cancer risk reduction by curbing the rapid replication of cells and preserving the integrity of DNA. Moreover, the connection between omega-3 fats and telomeres, the guardians of DNA’s end, adds another layer to the saga of cancer prevention.

Omega-3 Fats: Navigating the Landscape

Within the realm of omega-3 fats lies a triumvirate of players. Flaxseed oil emerges with its 58% omega-3 fat content, setting the stage for plant-based omega-3 fats. Distinguished from this, fish and fish oil bring forth EPA and DHA – the dynamic duo transforming into PG-3 within the body. It is EPA that takes the reins, slowing cellular replication and elongating telomeres, fortifying the battle against cancer. With this landscape set, the question arises: Is EPA-laden fish oil superior in preventing cancer compared to ALA-containing flaxseed oil? This query became the focus of a study at the University of Guelph, whose findings graced the Journal of Biochemistry in December 2017.

A Pioneering Study: Plant-Based vs. Fish Oil Omega-3s

Venturing into uncharted territory, the University of Guelph embarked on a study poised to reshape cancer prevention strategies. The study’s canvas stretched across breast tumor development, exploring the potency of plant-based and fish oil omega-3 fats. The spotlight shone on a breed of mice harboring the aggressive HER-2 form of human breast cancer, notorious for its 25% prevalence and grim prognosis. These mice, nurtured from their inception, encountered the two types of omega-3 fats – plant-based and fish oil-based.

The Tapestry Unveiled: Fish Oil’s Triumph

As the study’s tapestry unravelled, a revelation emerged. Fish oil-based omega-3 fats unfurled their prowess, diminishing tumor size by a remarkable 60-70% and curbing tumor numbers by 30%. This symphony of prevention was orchestrated by EPA and DHA, which deftly activated immune system genes while obstructing the pathways of tumor growth. The conclusion drawn was compelling – fish oil’s omega-3s wielded superior influence in this intricate dance against breast cancer.

Plant-Based Omegas Shine Bright: The Flaxseed Perspective

Yet, amidst the symphony of fish oil’s triumph, the plant-based omega-3 fats held their own. Plant-derived sources, especially the beloved flaxseed oil, showcased their potential. Notably, the researchers affirmed that higher doses of plant-based omega-3s yielded the same cancer-preventive effect. This revelation underscores the diversity of pathways through which omega-3 fats contribute to the grand mosaic of cancer defence.

The Conductor’s Verdict: Dietary Harmony

The study’s conductor, David W.L. Ma, offered his insights on the symphony’s resonance. He conveyed that omega-3s orchestrate a multifaceted composition – activating immune genes, blocking tumor growth avenues, and nurturing a defence against breast cancer. A nod to the North American diet revealed a dearth of these vital nutrients, highlighting an opportunity for transformation. The study’s dosages prompted a suggestion – two to three servings of fish weekly could mirror the cancer-preventive effect.

Beyond the Study: Nurturing Comprehensive Well-Being

As the study’s echoes reverberate, it beckons us to ponder the broader canvas of well-being. Essential fatty acid supplements enter the stage, encompassing fish oil, flaxseed oil, and borage seed oil. This trinity weaves a narrative of health, with borage seed oil playing a vital role in boosting prostaglandin series-1 (PG-1) synthesis. PG-1’s anti-inflammatory prowess, coupled with its potential in cancer prevention, heightens the value of this symphony of supplements.

A Symphony’s Encore: A Call to Action

The study unfurls an invitation, urging us to embrace dietary choices as a gateway to empowered health. The nexus between omega-3 fats and cancer prevention emerges as a reminder – the choices we make echo in our well-being. As the curtain falls, the symphony of omega-3 fats continues to resound, painting a portrait of vibrancy, vitality, and longevity.


  1. Research Study: Jiajie Liu, Salma A. Abdelmagid, Christopher J. Pinelli, Jennifer M. Monk, Danyelle M. Liddle, Lyn M. Hillyer, Barbora Hucik, Anjali Silva, Sanjeena Subedi, Geoffrey A. Wood, Lindsay E. Robinson, William J. Muller, David W.L. Ma. Marine fish oil is more potent than plant-based n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the prevention of mammary tumours. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2017 [10.1016/j.jnutbio.2017.12.011]
Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 79 – Nutty Delights: Cashews as Cholesterol Champions


LMU 79 – Nutty Delights: Cashews as Cholesterol Champions

Source: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (May 2017)

Lifestyle Medicine Update (January 27, 2018)


In the realm of nutritional exploration, certain ingredients rise above the rest, revealing their potential to reshape health outcomes. As we’ve previously uncovered the heart-healthy prowess of almonds and walnuts, our journey now leads us to the intriguing world of cashews. In May 2017, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition unveiled a study that bestowed cashews with a remarkable ability – the power to lower bad cholesterol levels. This revelation adds another layer of depth to the role of nuts in shaping cardiovascular health.

A Symphony of Cholesterol Management: The Cashew Revelation

Our journey into the world of cashews commences with a recognition of their status as the third most-consumed tree nut in the United States. Rich in monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, cashews weave a tapestry of health-promotion, intricately linked to reduced cardiovascular disease risk. While a touch of saturated fat graces their composition, a third of this component is stearic acid – a friend to cholesterol levels, as it refrains from causing a surge in their realms.

Unravelling the Study: Cashews Versus Potato Chips

To witness cashews’ cholesterol-altering prowess, we must traverse the study’s landscape. Enrolled in this exploration were 51 men and women, aged 21 to 73, bearing high bad cholesterol readings – a concern that stood as a potent backdrop. These individuals carried a pronounced risk, with an average LDL-cholesterol reading of 4.1 mmol/L (159 mg/dL). Above 2.5 mmol/L (96 mg/dL) lies the realm of heightened heart attack and stroke risk, with the ideal residing under 2.0 mmol/L (77 mg/dL).

Within this framework, the study pursued its mission. The participants adhered to their typical American dietary patterns, with a twist. One group embraced the allure of potato chips, while the other embarked on a cashew-laden journey, consuming 1-2 oz of cashews daily for 28 days. A 2-week intermission saw a switch in roles, allowing a comprehensive view of cashews’ effects.

The Symphony’s Crescendo: Cholesterol Transformation

As the curtain lifted, the study’s findings unveiled a symphony of change. After 28 days of cashew consumption, a 4% decline in total cholesterol and a 5% reduction in LDL-cholesterol danced before the researchers’ eyes. HDL-cholesterol, the benevolent guardian of heart health, and triglyceride levels stood unchanged. In contrast, the group embracing potato chips witnessed a different tale. A nearly 1% uptick in total cholesterol and a 1.2% increase in LDL-cholesterol painted a contrasting picture.

The Nutty Conclusion: A Bounty of Health

In the realm of dietary choices, the study’s implications reverberate with significance. A mere handful of cashews stands poised as a worthy adversary to the allure of potato chips and their high carbohydrate counterparts. This nutty alternative showcases its potential to lower bad cholesterol and total cholesterol, transforming the landscape of heart health.

Nuts as Pillars of Health: A Harmonious Symphony

Drawing the threads together, nuts continue to form the cornerstone of cardiovascular well-being. The journey has revealed almonds’ prowess in balancing cholesterol, walnuts’ remarkable anti-cancer and heart disease properties, and now, cashews’ potential to usher in cholesterol transformation. The overarching narrative is one of enhanced heart health and mortality reduction, sculpted by the regular consumption of these nutrient-rich wonders.

Culmination and Call to Action

The study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has cast a spotlight on the potential of cashews in the realm of cardiovascular health. As science and nutrition intertwine, a simple truth emerges: the choices we make in our diets hold the power to shape our well-being. In the tapestry of health, the inclusion of cashews stands as an invitation to partake in a symphony of nutty delights – a journey towards heart health, vitality, and longevity.


Cashews Research:
Mah E et al. Cashew consumption reduces total and LDL-cholesterol: a randomized, crossover, controlled-feeding trial. Am J Clin Nutr. Vol 15 No. 5:1070-1078 (May 2017)
HDL Research: Berryman CE, Fleming JA, Kriss-Etherton PM. Inclusion of almonds in a cholesterol-lowering diet improves plasma HDL subspecies and cholesterol efflux to serum in normal-weight individuals with elevated LDL cholesterol. Journal of Nutrition. August 1, 2017. Vol 147, No 8:1517-1523

Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great,

Dr. Meschino

In the realm of nutritional exploration, certain ingredients rise above the rest, revealing their potential to reshape health outcomes. As we’ve previously uncovered the heart-healthy prowess of almonds and walnuts, our journey now leads us to the intriguing world of cashews. In May 2017, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition unveiled a study that bestowed cashews with a remarkable ability – the power to lower bad cholesterol levels. This revelation adds another layer of depth to the role of nuts in shaping cardiovascular health.

A Symphony of Cholesterol Management: The Cashew Revelation
Our journey into the world of cashews commences with a recognition of their status as the third most-consumed tree nut in the United States. Rich in monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, cashews weave a tapestry of health-promotion, intricately linked to reduced cardiovascular disease risk. While a touch of saturated fat graces their composition, a third of this component is stearic acid – a friend to cholesterol levels, as it refrains from causing a surge in their realms.

Unravelling the Study: Cashews Versus Potato Chips
To witness cashews’ cholesterol-altering prowess, we must traverse the study’s landscape. Enrolled in this exploration were 51 men and women, aged 21 to 73, bearing high bad cholesterol readings – a concern that stood as a potent backdrop. These individuals carried a pronounced risk, with an average LDL-cholesterol reading of 4.1 mmol/L (159 mg/dL). Above 2.5 mmol/L (96 mg/dL) lies the realm of heightened heart attack and stroke risk, with the ideal residing under 2.0 mmol/L (77 mg/dL).

Within this framework, the study pursued its mission. The participants adhered to their typical American dietary patterns, with a twist. One group embraced the allure of potato chips, while the other embarked on a cashew-laden journey, consuming 1-2 oz of cashews daily for 28 days. A 2-week intermission saw a switch in roles, allowing a comprehensive view of cashews’ effects.

The Symphony’s Crescendo: Cholesterol Transformation
As the curtain lifted, the study’s findings unveiled a symphony of change. After 28 days of cashew consumption, a 4% decline in total cholesterol and a 5% reduction in LDL-cholesterol danced before the researchers’ eyes. HDL-cholesterol, the benevolent guardian of heart health, and triglyceride levels stood unchanged. In contrast, the group embracing potato chips witnessed a different tale. A nearly 1% uptick in total cholesterol and a 1.2% increase in LDL-cholesterol painted a contrasting picture.

The Nutty Conclusion: A Bounty of Health
In the realm of dietary choices, the study’s implications reverberate with significance. A mere handful of cashews stands poised as a worthy adversary to the allure of potato chips and their high carbohydrate counterparts. This nutty alternative showcases its potential to lower bad cholesterol and total cholesterol, transforming the landscape of heart health.

Nuts as Pillars of Health: A Harmonious Symphony
Drawing the threads together, nuts continue to form the cornerstone of cardiovascular well-being. The journey has revealed almonds’ prowess in balancing cholesterol, walnuts’ remarkable anti-cancer and heart disease properties, and now, cashews’ potential to usher in cholesterol transformation. The overarching narrative is one of enhanced heart health and mortality reduction, sculpted by the regular consumption of these nutrient-rich wonders.

Culmination and Call to Action
The study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has cast a spotlight on the potential of cashews in the realm of cardiovascular health. As science and nutrition intertwine, a simple truth emerges: the choices we make in our diets hold the power to shape our well-being. In the tapestry of health, the inclusion of cashews stands as an invitation to partake in a symphony of nutty delights – a journey towards heart health, vitality, and longevity.

Cashews Research:
Mah E et al. Cashew consumption reduces total and LDL-cholesterol: a randomized, crossover, controlled-feeding trial. Am J Clin Nutr. Vol 15 No. 5:1070-1078 (May 2017)
HDL Research: Berryman CE, Fleming JA, Kriss-Etherton PM. Inclusion of almonds in a cholesterol-lowering diet improves plasma HDL subspecies and cholesterol efflux to serum in normal-weight individuals with elevated LDL cholesterol. Journal of Nutrition. August 1, 2017. Vol 147, No 8:1517-1523


Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 78 – The Mighty Mineral: Magnesium’s Impact on Blood Pressure


LMU 78 – The Mighty Mineral: Magnesium's Impact on Blood Pressure

Source: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (September 2017)

Lifestyle Medicine Update (January 19, 2017)


In the intricate tapestry of human health, the quest for solutions to prevailing health issues often takes researchers on a journey of exploration. In September 2017, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition bore witness to a study that ventured into the realm of magnesium supplementation. This study, resplendent in its pursuit of understanding, delved into the impact of magnesium on blood pressure levels among individuals with prediabetes, insulin resistance, or noncommunicable chronic diseases. This endeavor sought to unravel the connection between magnesium supplementation and blood pressure reduction, casting light on a vital aspect of human well-being.

Unravelling the Study: Magnesium’s Role in Blood Pressure Regulation

Guided by the spirit of scientific inquiry, the study unfurled its methodology. The focus rested on individuals harboring prediabetic conditions, insulin resistance, or chronic noncommunicable diseases. A mosaic of eleven randomized controlled trials emerged as the foundation for this exploration. These trials wove a narrative that encapsulated magnesium supplementation’s potential to curtail high blood pressure in individuals bearing this unique profile.

As the pieces of evidence coalesced, the study laid bare its findings. Among the eleven trials, a total of 543 subjects with varying follow-up periods, spanning from 1 to 6 months, formed the canvas. Within this intricate tableau, the dosage of magnesium supplementation oscillated between 365 to 450 mg/d. Baseline and trial-end blood pressure readings etched a comprehensive picture of magnesium’s impact.

Magnesium’s Silent Symphony: Unveiling the Findings

The culmination of these trials yielded a symphony of findings, resonating with profound implications. An orchestration of evidence revealed a noteworthy reduction in systolic blood pressure – a resounding decrease of over 4 mmHg (4.18 mm Hg). The diastolic counterpart, too, yielded to magnesium’s influence, witnessing a reduction of over 2 mmHg (2.27 mm Hg). Within these figures lay a testament to magnesium’s potential as a guardian against high blood pressure.

Reflections on the Study: Bridging Science and Lifestyle

Interpreting the study’s findings is akin to viewing a vibrant tapestry of health. This revelatory journey offers insights that ripple across the realm of well-being. The bridge between scientific revelation and practical application becomes apparent, invoking reflection on the avenues available for blood pressure management.

    • The Weight of Health: A cornerstone of blood pressure management resides in shedding excess weight. A weight reduction of 10-15% can wield transformative effects, rendering this journey a powerful ally against high blood pressure.
    • Harmony through Exercise: Aerobic exercise, a rhythmic symphony of motion, emerges as a potent strategy. A harmonious cadence of 30 minutes, at least five times a week, orchestrates a melody that harmonizes with blood pressure regulation.
    • The Nutritional Ensemble: The study’s findings echo the harmony of nutrients. Calcium, a stalwart companion to magnesium, unveils its prowess in blood pressure reduction. Consideration of supplements that intertwine calcium and magnesium could thus amplify health benefits.
    • The Ensemble Expands: The chorus of nutrients extends beyond calcium and magnesium. Coenzyme Q10 and Hawthorn, known for their cardiovascular contributions, stand as players in the symphony of blood pressure regulation. The resonance of beetroot juice, rich in nitrates that usher in nitric oxide release, unveils a unique path to vascular expansion and pressure reduction.
    • Tempering Sodium: The wise counsel of sodium moderation finds its place in this orchestration. The act of reducing sodium intake reverberates as a vital note in the melody of blood pressure management.

Harmonizing Health: Considerations and Caveats

As the crescendo of blood pressure management unfolds, certain considerations and caveats arise. The presence of chronic kidney disease, a pivotal factor, calls for prudence in magnesium supplementation. In these instances, magnesium’s impact can be counterproductive, necessitating a nuanced approach to wellness.


The study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition marks a chapter in the ongoing saga of health exploration. Within its pages, magnesium emerges as a silent protagonist, wielding its influence over blood pressure regulation. As science and lifestyle interweave, a holistic approach to blood pressure management materializes. Weight reduction, exercise, nutrient supplementation, sodium moderation, and mindful practices converge to form the symphony of health. This composition holds the promise of resonant health, where the rhythm of life harmonizes with vitality.


American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (September, 2017)

Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great,

Dr. Meschino

Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 77 – The Vital Role of Coenzyme Q10: Energizing Your Body’s Powerhouse


LMU 77 – The Vital Role of Coenzyme Q10: Energizing Your Body's Powerhouse

Source: Multiple Source (see References Below)

Lifestyle Medicine Update (January 10, 2017)


In the intricate dance of life, there exists a substance that orchestrates energy production within our cells – Coenzyme Q10, often affectionately referred to as CoQ10. This vitamin-like entity emerges as a crucial cog in the machinery of our body, playing a pivotal role in transforming food into energy. Visualize it as a dedicated shuttle service that ferries hydrogen electrons through the cellular energy production factory, known as the mitochondria. As we venture into the realm of CoQ10, we uncover its significance, its connection to heart health, and the dynamic interplay between aging, medications, and this essential compound.

Fuelling the Energy Factory: The Role of Coenzyme Q10

Imagine your body as a complex automobile, with each cell serving as an engine. CoQ10 is akin to the fuel that ignites these engines, converting food into the energy required for cellular processes. This vitamin-like substance embarks on a journey within the cellular mitochondria, acting as a beacon of energy transformation. Just as a car with missing pistons sputters, cells with a CoQ10 deficiency falter in their energy production. A deficiency equates to reduced energy availability, akin to dimming the lights of vitality within our cells.

The Heart’s Cry: CoQ10 and Heart Health

While CoQ10’s impact reverberates throughout the body, it assumes a crucial role in the heart’s symphony. The heart, an ever-pulsating marvel, relies on a steady influx of energy to sustain its rhythmic contractions. Herein lies the heart of the matter – a deficiency in CoQ10 can spell trouble for the heart’s vigor. As this deficiency infiltrates the heart muscle, the energy production wanes, setting the stage for heart failure. In this scenario, the heart’s pumping mechanism weakens over time, leading to fluid accumulation in the lungs and extremities. This culminates in congestive heart failure, a grave condition that holds the mantle of being the leading cause of hospital admissions among individuals aged 65 and above.

Aging and the CoQ10 Connection

The passage of time leaves an indelible mark on CoQ10 levels within our bodies. As we journey through the years, our bodies gradually produce less CoQ10. This transformation becomes evident around the age of 45 to 50, where we produce less than half the amount synthesized in our vibrant 20s. The heart, an unwitting victim of this decline, reflects this diminished state, raising concerns about the potential risk of congestive heart failure. This revelation forms a clarion call for those approaching their 40s and beyond to consider fortifying their CoQ10 levels through supplementation.

Medications as CoQ10 Depleters

In the intricate tapestry of health, medications weave a complex narrative. Certain drugs, which serve as lifelines for various conditions, bear the unintended consequence of depleting CoQ10 levels. Statin drugs, wielded to lower cholesterol, stand as a prime example. These drugs curtail CoQ10 synthesis within the body, creating a paradox where the very agents designed to promote health inadvertently undermine it. Gemfibrozil, used to lower triglycerides, and specific medications aimed at managing high blood sugar and blood pressure, all fall within the realm of CoQ10 depleters.

Empowerment through Supplementation

In the quest for a vibrant and thriving life, empowerment emerges as a guiding light. For those navigating the landscape of aging, CoQ10 supplementation presents a beacon of hope. Experts in the realm of nutritional medicine, attuned to the symphony of health, advocate for CoQ10 supplementation after the age of 40. Doses ranging from 30 to 60 mg per day are often deemed sufficient to replenish the declining CoQ10 levels. Moreover, individuals taking medications that deplete CoQ10 should initiate a dialogue with their healthcare providers. Conversations revolving around increasing CoQ10 intake, in the range of 90 to 100 mg per day, hold the promise of safeguarding against the adverse effects linked to CoQ10 deficiency, notably congestive heart failure.


As we delve into the realm of Coenzyme Q10, the canvas of vitality unfurls before us. Within the depths of our cells, this unassuming entity ignites the flames of energy, propelling us forward in the dance of life. With every heartbeat and every pulse of energy, CoQ10 plays its part, a silent yet indispensable partner in our journey. As the pages of time turn and the spectre of aging looms, the tale of CoQ10’s decline unfolds. Yet, in this narrative, lies the promise of empowerment. Through supplementation and mindful consideration of medications, we stand poised to script our own story of vibrant living, fortifying our hearts and minds against the ravages of time.


  1. Kaikkonen J, Nyyssonen K, Tuomainen TP, et al.: Determinants of plasma coenzyme Q10 in humans. Federation of European Biochemical Societies Letters 443(2): 163-166, 1999.
  2. Thibault A, Samid D, Tompkins AC, et al.: Phase I study of lovastatin, an inhibitor of the mevalonate pathway, in patients with cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 2(3): 483-491, 1996.
  3. Pepping J: Coenzyme Q. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 56: 519-521, 1999.
Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great,

Dr. Meschino


In the intricate dance of life, there exists a substance that orchestrates energy production within our cells – Coenzyme Q10, often affectionately referred to as CoQ10. This vitamin-like entity emerges as a crucial cog in the machinery of our body, playing a pivotal role in transforming food into energy. Visualize it as a dedicated shuttle service that ferries hydrogen electrons through the cellular energy production factory, known as the mitochondria. As we venture into the realm of CoQ10, we uncover its significance, its connection to heart health, and the dynamic interplay between aging, medications, and this essential compound.

Fuelling the Energy Factory: The Role of Coenzyme Q10

Imagine your body as a complex automobile, with each cell serving as an engine. CoQ10 is akin to the fuel that ignites these engines, converting food into the energy required for cellular processes. This vitamin-like substance embarks on a journey within the cellular mitochondria, acting as a beacon of energy transformation. Just as a car with missing pistons sputters, cells with a CoQ10 deficiency falter in their energy production. A deficiency equates to reduced energy availability, akin to dimming the lights of vitality within our cells.

The Heart’s Cry: CoQ10 and Heart Health

While CoQ10’s impact reverberates throughout the body, it assumes a crucial role in the heart’s symphony. The heart, an ever-pulsating marvel, relies on a steady influx of energy to sustain its rhythmic contractions. Herein lies the heart of the matter – a deficiency in CoQ10 can spell trouble for the heart’s vigor. As this deficiency infiltrates the heart muscle, the energy production wanes, setting the stage for heart failure. In this scenario, the heart’s pumping mechanism weakens over time, leading to fluid accumulation in the lungs and extremities. This culminates in congestive heart failure, a grave condition that holds the mantle of being the leading cause of hospital admissions among individuals aged 65 and above.

Aging and the CoQ10 Connection

The passage of time leaves an indelible mark on CoQ10 levels within our bodies. As we journey through the years, our bodies gradually produce less CoQ10. This transformation becomes evident around the age of 45 to 50, where we produce less than half the amount synthesized in our vibrant 20s. The heart, an unwitting victim of this decline, reflects this diminished state, raising concerns about the potential risk of congestive heart failure. This revelation forms a clarion call for those approaching their 40s and beyond to consider fortifying their CoQ10 levels through supplementation.

Medications as CoQ10 Depleters

In the intricate tapestry of health, medications weave a complex narrative. Certain drugs, which serve as lifelines for various conditions, bear the unintended consequence of depleting CoQ10 levels. Statin drugs, wielded to lower cholesterol, stand as a prime example. These drugs curtail CoQ10 synthesis within the body, creating a paradox where the very agents designed to promote health inadvertently undermine it. Gemfibrozil, used to lower triglycerides, and specific medications aimed at managing high blood sugar and blood pressure, all fall within the realm of CoQ10 depleters.

Empowerment through Supplementation

In the quest for a vibrant and thriving life, empowerment emerges as a guiding light. For those navigating the landscape of aging, CoQ10 supplementation presents a beacon of hope. Experts in the realm of nutritional medicine, attuned to the symphony of health, advocate for CoQ10 supplementation after the age of 40. Doses ranging from 30 to 60 mg per day are often deemed sufficient to replenish the declining CoQ10 levels. Moreover, individuals taking medications that deplete CoQ10 should initiate a dialogue with their healthcare providers. Conversations revolving around increasing CoQ10 intake, in the range of 90 to 100 mg per day, hold the promise of safeguarding against the adverse effects linked to CoQ10 deficiency, notably congestive heart failure.


As we delve into the realm of Coenzyme Q10, the canvas of vitality unfurls before us. Within the depths of our cells, this unassuming entity ignites the flames of energy, propelling us forward in the dance of life. With every heartbeat and every pulse of energy, CoQ10 plays its part, a silent yet indispensable partner in our journey. As the pages of time turn and the spectre of aging looms, the tale of CoQ10’s decline unfolds. Yet, in this narrative, lies the promise of empowerment. Through supplementation and mindful consideration of medications, we stand poised to script our own story of vibrant living, fortifying our hearts and minds against the ravages of time.


  1. Kaikkonen J, Nyyssonen K, Tuomainen TP, et al.: Determinants of plasma coenzyme Q10 in humans. Federation of European Biochemical Societies Letters 443(2): 163-166, 1999.
  2. Thibault A, Samid D, Tompkins AC, et al.: Phase I study of lovastatin, an inhibitor of the mevalonate pathway, in patients with cancer. Clinical Cancer Research 2(3): 483-491, 1996.
  3. Pepping J: Coenzyme Q. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 56: 519-521, 1999.

Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great,

Dr. Meschino

Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 76 – Unveiling Nutritional Deficiencies in Aging: A Closer Look at Vitamin D, B12, and More


LMU 76 – Unveiling Nutritional Deficiencies in Aging: A Closer Look at Vitamin D, B12, and More

NMU 76 – Vitamin Deficiencies Common in Aging: How to identify them and prevent consequences

Lifestyle Medicine Update (December 20, 2017)


As the pages of time turn and we venture into the realm of aging, an illuminating study beckons our attention, shedding light on the profound impact of nutritional deficiencies on our golden years. Published in the journal Nutrients in 2017, this study delves into the lives of an aging population in southern Germany, uncovering startling revelations about the prevalence of sub-optimal levels of essential micronutrients such as vitamin D, B12, iron, and folate. In this exploration, we unearth the significance of these deficiencies, their consequences, and the empowerment that lies within annual blood tests.

The Aging Enigma: Unveiling the KORA-Age Study

Encompassing the canvas of aging, the KORA-Age Study embarked on a mission to scrutinize the lives of 1,079 older adults, spanning from ages 65 to 93 years. This remarkable endeavor, undertaken by the KORA Cooperative Health Research platform, delved into the depths of four vital micronutrients – vitamin D, folate, vitamin B12, and iron. What emerged from this canvas of investigation was a tapestry of revelations, illuminating the prevalence of sub-optimal levels of these micronutrients in the aging populace.

Unmasking Vitamin D Insufficiency

The spotlight turns to vitamin D, a renowned ally in the battle against a myriad of ailments, from cancer to osteoporosis and diabetes. The study cast a revealing light, showcasing that over 50% of the examined older adults bore blood levels of vitamin D below 50 nmol/L, indicating a suboptimal status. This finding strikes a chord, considering the recommended level for optimal prevention stands at 75 nmol/L or higher. The research resonates as a cautionary tale, hinting at the need to address this prevalent deficiency to safeguard against the ravages of various health maladies.

Vitamin B12: A Memory’s Guardian

Vitamin B12, a sentinel for memory and cognition, takes center stage. The study unfurls a disconcerting truth – 27% of the elderly subjects bore blood levels of vitamin B12 below the established threshold. Beyond its role in preventing anemia, vitamin B12 wields its influence in the realms of memory and cognitive function. Its absence can unleash memory loss and dementia-related symptoms, as B12 plays a pivotal role in crafting brain neurotransmitters crucial for memory retention. This revelation underscores the imperative of addressing this deficiency early to preserve cognitive prowess and stave off the shadows of memory loss.

Folate and Iron: Guardians of Vitality

Folate and iron, unassuming yet vital players, unfurl their significance on this stage. The study exposes the sobering truth – 9% of participants grappled with low folate levels, while 11% bore the burden of low iron levels. These deficiencies are harbingers of subtle yet impactful consequences. Folate and vitamin B12 deficiencies herald memory loss and cognitive impairment, disrupting the delicate equilibrium of brain health. Iron, even in its marginal scarcity, can sow the seeds of low energy, memory lapses, concentration struggles, and weakened resistance to infections. These findings serve as a clarion call to address these deficiencies to preserve vitality and overall well-being.

Annual Blood Tests: A Beacon of Empowerment

In the realm of health, knowledge is power, and annual blood tests stand as the beacon of this empowerment. The study underscores the value of monitoring blood levels of these essential micronutrients. It beckons individuals to advocate for themselves, urging them to request comprehensive tests during their annual physical exams. While some insurance plans might not cover tests for vitamin D or homocysteine, their impact on health is immeasurable. The revelations these tests unveil provide a roadmap to potential future diseases, spurring individuals to take charge of their well-being.

The Path Forward: Nurturing Optimal Health

In the grand tapestry of life, aging is a chapter that deserves to be written with vibrancy, vitality, and resilience. The study’s findings echo a universal truth – to nurture health and well-being, one must be proactive. Regular monitoring of blood levels, particularly for vitamin D, B12, folate, iron, and homocysteine, holds the key to longevity and disease-free living. Armed with this knowledge, individuals can embrace the journey ahead with the assurance that their bodies and minds are fortified against the challenges of time.


As the curtain falls on the pages of this study, a narrative of empowerment emerges. The echoes of deficiency dissolve into the promise of proactive measures. The insights gained from this study transcend mere numbers, resonating as a call to action for all seeking a vibrant and thriving life. With the tapestry of aging before us, armed with the knowledge gleaned from annual blood tests, we can navigate the journey with vitality and resilience, embracing each chapter with the grace of well-nourished minds and bodies.


  1. Conzade R, et al. Prevalence and Predictors of Subclinical Micronutrient Deficiency in German Older Adults: Results from the Population-Based KORA-Age Study. Nutrients 2017, 9(12), 1276
  2. [Link to the Study] (

Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great,

Dr. Meschino

Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 75 – Ashwagandha: A Natural Stress Buster


LMU 75 – Ashwagandha: A Natural Stress Buster

Source: Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine (2012)

Lifestyle Medicine Update


In a modern world that often teeters on the edge of chaos, stress has emerged as an unwelcome companion, weaving its way into the fabric of our lives and impacting both mental and physical health. The escalating prevalence of mental health disorders and the confluence of stress with physical ailments like ulcers, high blood pressure, and heart disease attest to its formidable influence. However, amidst the challenges, a beacon of hope shines through a captivating study published in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine in 2012. This study unveils the remarkable potential of an adaptogen herb called “Ashwagandha” to alleviate stress, enhance well-being, and even mitigate key biological markers of stress in individuals burdened by its weight.

The Vicious Cycle of Stress

Stress, stemming from external physical or mental burdens, casts a shadow that can engulf us in feelings of turmoil, anxiety, and unease. Prolonged exposure to stress serves as a catalyst, triggering a cascade of unbalanced mental and physiological states. The consequences extend beyond the emotional realm, ushering in a host of conditions ranging from depression to high blood pressure, heart disease, and metabolic disorders such as diabetes. These ailments, with their roots in mental and emotional factors, are surging in prevalence, emerging as significant global health challenges. In the face of this crisis, a growing fraction of the population seeks solace through medical intervention, striving to conquer the shackles of stress.

The Trailblazing Study: Ashwagandha’s Triumph

At the heart of this narrative rests a groundbreaking randomized controlled study that enrolled 64 participants afflicted by chronic stress. This study, meticulously crafted, summoned clinical examinations and laboratory tests to discern the impact of supplementation with Ashwagandha, an adaptogen herb renowned for its stress-modulating properties. The study delved into the abyss of subjective feelings of stress, objective biochemical markers, and vital well-being assessments. Half of the participants were administered a supplement containing 300 mg of Ashwagandha root extract standardized to 5% withanolide content, while the other half received a placebo.

The Power of Ashwagandha: Transformation Unveiled

The study’s findings read like a tale of transformation. After 60 days, subjects embraced by Ashwagandha experienced a surge of improvement in various dimensions, eclipsing the placebo group:

  • Feelings of Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Social Dysfunction

Akin to an enchanting spell, Ashwagandha wove its magic, inciting a marked reduction in blood cortisol levels – a direct reflection of the body’s stress response. This study stood as a testament to Ashwagandha’s ability to enact a resolute stand against stress, bolstering self-assessed quality of life for its recipients.

The Cortisol Conquest: A 30% Reduction

Cortisol, the renowned stress hormone, yielded to Ashwagandha’s might. The study showcased a jaw-dropping 28% reduction in cortisol levels within the Ashwagandha group. In contrast, the placebo group registered a mere 8% reduction. This staggering 30% decrease in cortisol levels attests to the profound influence of Ashwagandha in curbing the body’s stress-driven cortisol surge.

Beyond Stress: The Multidimensional Impact

The significance of this cortisol reduction ripples through the landscape of health. Elevated cortisol levels, often associated with chronic stress, pave the way for a range of adverse consequences:

    • Weakened Immune System – Leaving the body vulnerable to infections and even cancer, possibly triggering autoimmune diseases.
    • Ulcer Development – Fuelling the development of ulcers.
    • Increased High Blood Sugar – Elevating blood sugar levels.
    • Heightened Inflammation – Exacerbating inflammation, a precursor to numerous health woes.

Embracing Ashwagandha: A Vital Component of Stress Management

Researchers concluded with an unequivocal assertion that high-concentration full-spectrum Ashwagandha root extract empowers individuals to defy stress, elevating self-assessed quality of life. This adaptogen herb emerges as a safe and effective intervention for adults besieged by stress’s grasp.

A Holistic Approach to Stress Management

While Ashwagandha’s prowess offers a beacon of hope, it stands as part of a larger tapestry in stress management. It complements a holistic approach that embraces diverse strategies such as aerobic exercise, meditation, yoga, progressive relaxation, psychotherapy, and stress management. However, the potent ability of adaptogen herbs like Ashwagandha to recalibrate cortisol levels is a crucial facet in the pursuit of comprehensive well-being.


Amidst the cacophony of modern life, Ashwagandha emerges as a silent hero, bestowing the gift of stress alleviation. This research mirrors the transformative potential of harnessing nature’s treasures to combat the crippling weight of stress. While not a panacea, Ashwagandha’s capacity to tame cortisol levels is an invaluable tool in the quest for holistic health.


    1. Chandrasekhar K, Kapoor J, Anishetty S. A Prospective, Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Safety and Efficacy of a High-Concentration Full-Spectrum Extract of Ashwagandha Root in Reducing Stress and Anxiety in Adults. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. 2012;34(3):255-262.
Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 74 – Revolutionizing Blood Pressure Management: The Dominance of Diet


LMU 74 – Revolutionizing Blood Pressure Management: The Dominance of Diet

Source: American Journal of Cardiology (November 12, 2017)

Lifestyle Medicine Update (December 2, 2017)


In the dynamic realm of healthcare, a groundbreaking study, unveiled on November 12, 2017, within the pages of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, shines a spotlight on a revolutionary dietary approach to lower high blood pressure. This monumental research asserts that this new dietary strategy can outpace the blood pressure-lowering effects of certain high blood pressure medications. This revelation underscores the potent impact of dietary interventions, encouraging healthcare providers to place heightened emphasis on proven dietary and lifestyle strategies when addressing patients with high blood pressure.

A Paradigm Shift: Dietary Dominance in Blood Pressure Control

While the importance of high blood pressure medications is undeniable, the research elucidates a fundamental shift in perspective. The study articulates that healthcare practitioners should magnify their focus on validated dietary and lifestyle interventions during consultations with high blood pressure patients. These interventions, the study contends, harbor the potential to render medication a secondary consideration in managing blood pressure.

Unveiling the Study: Dietary Marvel vs. North American Norms

The study’s canvas stretches across more than 400 patients grappling with stage-1 high blood pressure (hypertension). A pivotal divide emerged, with half of the participants engaging in the DASH diet, and the remaining half adhering to the quintessential North American diet, characterized by high fat content and refined carbohydrates. Both cohorts were further subjected to low-sodium, medium-sodium, or high-sodium diets over four-week intervals.

  • Low sodium = 1500 mg per day of sodium
  • Medium-sodium = 2,300 mg per day of sodium – equivalent to 1 teaspoon
  • High sodium = 3,450 mg per day of sodium

A teaspoon of table salt contains roughly 2400 mg of sodium. Notably, a sodium intake of 2300 mg per day (medium sodium intake) aligns with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) recommended maximum level of sodium intake. Maintaining levels below this threshold is believed to mitigate the risk of heart disease and stroke.

The Study’s Revelation: Dietary Ascendance

The study’s findings are nothing short of revelatory. Participants who embraced the DASH diet alongside a low-sodium regimen (1500 mg sodium per day or less) exhibited a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure. This effect was particularly pronounced among individuals with higher initial blood pressure levels. Astonishingly, one participant with an initial systolic blood pressure exceeding 150 experienced a dramatic 21-point drop in just four weeks. The majority of participants experienced reductions between 5-10 points, a feat that echoes the stringent criterion for high-blood-pressure drug approval, which mandates a minimum 5-point blood pressure reduction. In contrast, the most efficacious high blood pressure-lowering medications typically yield an average reduction of 10-15 points in systolic blood pressure.

Decoding the DASH Diet: A Blueprint for Success

At the heart of this dietary revolution lies the DASH diet – an acronym for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This dietary regimen champions a symphony of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, non-fat or low-fat dairy products, and lean meats, each characterized by low saturated and trans-fat content.

Dietary Intervention’s Triumph: Equivalent to Prescription Drugs

One researcher emphasized the significance of the combined dietary intervention, underscoring its potential to rival, or even surpass, the effects of prescription drugs. The study’s insights illuminate the comparable efficacy of dietary interventions and antihypertensive medications in high blood pressure management. This assertion assumes paramount importance for individuals at heightened risk of high blood pressure, advocating dietary interventions as a first-line treatment approach.

Elevating Empowerment: The Role of Prudent Dietary Practices

The study resounds with a potent message – individuals grappling with high blood pressure wield considerable power through prudent dietary choices. Anchored in dietary mindfulness, sodium reduction, weight management if needed, augmented endurance exercise, targeted supplement interventions, and meditation or relaxation therapies together compose a robust arsenal. For patients with systolic blood pressure at or below 150 mmHg, these strategies emerge as the frontline of treatment, either individually or in tandem with drug therapy. The intricacies deepen when patients possess complicating factors such as diabetes or other health conditions necessitating mandatory blood pressure medications. Even within this context, the study reinforces the integration of the diet and lifestyle strategies as integral facets of comprehensive management, fostering high blood pressure reduction and overall health enhancement.


The study’s proclamation transcends the boundaries of high blood pressure management, serving as a clarion call for the ascendance of dietary interventions. In an era where the allure of medications often overshadows the potential of lifestyle modifications, this research underscores the paramount importance of dietary empowerment. The implications reverberate across medical landscapes, fostering a transformational shift towards harnessing the potential of dietary choices to herald health and vitality.

High Blood Pressure


  2. Stephen P. Juraschek, Edgar R. Miller, Connie M. Weaver, Lawrence J. Appel. Effects of Sodium Reduction and the DASH Diet in Relation to Baseline Blood Pressure. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2017;
  3. DASH Diet:
Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great,

Dr. Meschino


In the dynamic realm of healthcare, a groundbreaking study, unveiled on November 12, 2017, within the pages of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, shines a spotlight on a revolutionary dietary approach to lower high blood pressure. This monumental research asserts that this new dietary strategy can outpace the blood pressure-lowering effects of certain high blood pressure medications. This revelation underscores the potent impact of dietary interventions, encouraging healthcare providers to place heightened emphasis on proven dietary and lifestyle strategies when addressing patients with high blood pressure.

A Paradigm Shift: Dietary Dominance in Blood Pressure Control

While the importance of high blood pressure medications is undeniable, the research elucidates a fundamental shift in perspective. The study articulates that healthcare practitioners should magnify their focus on validated dietary and lifestyle interventions during consultations with high blood pressure patients. These interventions, the study contends, harbor the potential to render medication a secondary consideration in managing blood pressure.

Unveiling the Study: Dietary Marvel vs. North American Norms

The study’s canvas stretches across more than 400 patients grappling with stage-1 high blood pressure (hypertension). A pivotal divide emerged, with half of the participants engaging in the DASH diet, and the remaining half adhering to the quintessential North American diet, characterized by high fat content and refined carbohydrates. Both cohorts were further subjected to low-sodium, medium-sodium, or high-sodium diets over four-week intervals.

  • Low sodium = 1500 mg per day of sodium
  • Medium-sodium = 2,300 mg per day of sodium – equivalent to 1 teaspoon
  • High sodium = 3,450 mg per day of sodium

A teaspoon of table salt contains roughly 2400 mg of sodium. Notably, a sodium intake of 2300 mg per day (medium sodium intake) aligns with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) recommended maximum level of sodium intake. Maintaining levels below this threshold is believed to mitigate the risk of heart disease and stroke.

The Study’s Revelation: Dietary Ascendance

The study’s findings are nothing short of revelatory. Participants who embraced the DASH diet alongside a low-sodium regimen (1500 mg sodium per day or less) exhibited a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure. This effect was particularly pronounced among individuals with higher initial blood pressure levels. Astonishingly, one participant with an initial systolic blood pressure exceeding 150 experienced a dramatic 21-point drop in just four weeks. The majority of participants experienced reductions between 5-10 points, a feat that echoes the stringent criterion for high-blood-pressure drug approval, which mandates a minimum 5-point blood pressure reduction. In contrast, the most efficacious high blood pressure-lowering medications typically yield an average reduction of 10-15 points in systolic blood pressure.

Decoding the DASH Diet: A Blueprint for Success

At the heart of this dietary revolution lies the DASH diet – an acronym for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This dietary regimen champions a symphony of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, non-fat or low-fat dairy products, and lean meats, each characterized by low saturated and trans-fat content.

Dietary Intervention’s Triumph: Equivalent to Prescription Drugs

One researcher emphasized the significance of the combined dietary intervention, underscoring its potential to rival, or even surpass, the effects of prescription drugs. The study’s insights illuminate the comparable efficacy of dietary interventions and antihypertensive medications in high blood pressure management. This assertion assumes paramount importance for individuals at heightened risk of high blood pressure, advocating dietary interventions as a first-line treatment approach.

Elevating Empowerment: The Role of Prudent Dietary Practices

The study resounds with a potent message – individuals grappling with high blood pressure wield considerable power through prudent dietary choices. Anchored in dietary mindfulness, sodium reduction, weight management if needed, augmented endurance exercise, targeted supplement interventions, and meditation or relaxation therapies together compose a robust arsenal. For patients with systolic blood pressure at or below 150 mmHg, these strategies emerge as the frontline of treatment, either individually or in tandem with drug therapy. The intricacies deepen when patients possess complicating factors such as diabetes or other health conditions necessitating mandatory blood pressure medications. Even within this context, the study reinforces the integration of the diet and lifestyle strategies as integral facets of comprehensive management, fostering high blood pressure reduction and overall health enhancement.


The study’s proclamation transcends the boundaries of high blood pressure management, serving as a clarion call for the ascendance of dietary interventions. In an era where the allure of medications often overshadows the potential of lifestyle modifications, this research underscores the paramount importance of dietary empowerment. The implications reverberate across medical landscapes, fostering a transformational shift towards harnessing the potential of dietary choices to herald health and vitality.

High Blood Pressure


  2. Stephen P. Juraschek, Edgar R. Miller, Connie M. Weaver, Lawrence J. Appel. Effects of Sodium Reduction and the DASH Diet in Relation to Baseline Blood Pressure. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2017;
  3. DASH Diet:

Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great,

Dr. Meschino

Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 73 – Unleashing Dietary Power: Navigating Rheumatoid Arthritis and Beyond


LMU 73 – Unleashing Dietary Power: Navigating Rheumatoid Arthritis and Beyond

Source: Journal Frontiers in Nutrition – Clinical Nutrition (November 2017)

Lifestyle Medicine Update (November 24, 2017)


In the realm of health and wellness, the profound impact of diet on various medical conditions is garnering increasing attention. One such condition, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), has spurred researchers to unravel the intricate relationship between dietary practices and disease management. A research review paper, published in the esteemed journal Frontiers in Nutrition on November 8, 2017, unfurls a tapestry of insights into the role of dietary interventions in the management of RA. While the focus is on RA, the implications extend to other autoimmune joint conditions and even osteoarthritis, laying the foundation for a holistic approach to health.

From Insights to Implications: An Overview

The research review paper embarked on a comprehensive journey through dietary practices, drawing on a myriad of studies to weave a compelling narrative. At its core lies a set of recommendations that seeks to ameliorate symptoms and curb disease progression through dietary choices. While the paper’s spotlight is on RA, its far-reaching recommendations hold promise for an array of degenerative diseases.

The Journey Begins: Dietary Approaches for RA

The canvas of dietary interventions for RA is painted with diverse strokes, each representing a distinct approach. Among these stands the “7-Day Supervised Fast,” an approach that segues into an ongoing vegan diet. This intervention offers limited vitamin and mineral supplementation, carbohydrate intake, and energy derived from vegetable juice over a week. Remarkably, this regimen engenders a decrease in the activation of CD4 cells, inhibiting the inflammatory TH1 and Th17 cells, notorious for their role in triggering inflammation and joint deterioration in RA. Not stopping there, this approach also ushers in a reduction in other inflammatory joint chemicals such as LTB4, stemming from neutrophils. In an intriguing turn, the diet induces ketosis, a state of low-blood sugar. Within this metabolic shift, a ketone body – beta-hydroxybutyric acid – emerges as a potent force, mitigating the secretion of cytokines, the inflammation-inducing chemicals that often run rampant in RA. The combined effects of this regimen showcase its potential to assuage inflammation, pain, and joint destruction, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the challenge of RA.

Mediterranean Marvel: Diet as a Shield

Amidst the dietary landscape, the Mediterranean diet surfaces as a beacon of promise. This dietary approach, rich in oleic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, unrefined carbohydrates, and phytochemicals, encompasses a diet high in olive oil, cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish, and legumes. The inclusion of moderate amounts of red wine further elevates its allure. Within this tapestry of consumption, olive oil and fish emerge as stalwart warriors against inflammation, underpinning its potential to stave off the onset of RA.

Diving Deeper: Elemental Diet and Elimination Diet

A more formidable path unveils itself in the form of the Elemental Diet. Comprising a liquid formula enriched with specific amino acids, minimal glucose, and essential vitamins and trace elements, this regimen demonstrated its potency in a large study. A staggering 72% of patients registered over 20% improvement in pain and early morning stiffness, underscoring its potential in curbing RA symptoms. The hypoallergenic nature of this formula further underscores its efficacy in managing immune system overactivity.

The Elimination Diet, in turn, embraces a personalized approach. It seeks to identify and eliminate foods that trigger sensitivity in individuals. This tailored strategy acknowledges the tendency of food-based antigens to seep through the gut and incite an immune-inflammatory response, exacerbating RA symptoms.

The Culmination: Researcher Recommendations

Having traversed a spectrum of dietary interventions, the research review paper culminates in a set of recommendations tailored for RA patients. The ideal meal envisioned by the researchers encompasses raw or moderately cooked vegetables, replete with greens and legumes. The infusion of spices like turmeric and ginger, coupled with seasonal fruits and probiotic yogurt, orchestrates a symphony of natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. In tandem, the exclusion of processed foods, excessive salt, oils, butter, sugar, and animal products constitutes a pivotal facet. The researchers further advocate for dietary supplements such as vitamin D, cod liver oil, and multivitamins. These dietary practices, when harmoniously paired with low-impact aerobic exercises, present a formidable framework for self-managing RA, rendering it a financially sustainable endeavor.

The Science of Healing: Harnessing Nature’s Arsenal

The research review paper delves into the realm of scientific substantiation, underscoring the anti-inflammatory properties of a multitude of natural compounds. Green tea catechins, ginger, curcumin (derived from turmeric), boswellia, ashwagandha, and cinnamon bark emerge as warriors against inflammation. Grapes, oranges, apples, tomatoes, spinach, and potatoes, teeming with p-Coumaric acid, also manifest potent anti-inflammatory effects. The isoflavone genistein found in soybeans joins the fray, further enhancing the armament against inflammation. Omega-3 fats and borage seed oil, rich in gamma-linolenic acid, add their names to the roster of inflammation fighters. The canvas expands to encompass prebiotics and probiotics, yielding not only anti-inflammatory effects but also antioxidant properties. This twofold impact is underscored by their ability to shape gut microflora and modulate the immune system.

A Universal Approach: Beyond RA

While the research review paper’s focal point is RA, its insights ripple across the healthcare landscape. The dietary approach advocated within its pages resonates as a potent strategy in averting and managing a spectrum of degenerative diseases – from heart disease to Alzheimer’s disease. The pursuit of health, through conscientious dietary choices, emerges as a unifying thread woven through diverse medical narratives.


In the realm of health, the research review paper in question transcends a singular condition, urging readers to explore the dynamic interplay between diet and disease management. The insights unveiled within its pages, anchored by comprehensive studies and expert recommendations, hold the potential to transform lives. Beyond rheumatoid arthritis, this dietary approach extends its embrace to a tapestry of ailments, urging individuals to harness the power of nutrition in their journey towards vitality.


Khanna S, Jaiswal KS and Gupta B. Managing rheumatoid arthritis with dietary interventions. Frontiers in Nutrition – Clinical Nutrition. November 8, 2017.

Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great

Dr. Meschino


In the realm of health and wellness, the profound impact of diet on various medical conditions is garnering increasing attention. One such condition, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), has spurred researchers to unravel the intricate relationship between dietary practices and disease management. A research review paper, published in the esteemed journal Frontiers in Nutrition on November 8, 2017, unfurls a tapestry of insights into the role of dietary interventions in the management of RA. While the focus is on RA, the implications extend to other autoimmune joint conditions and even osteoarthritis, laying the foundation for a holistic approach to health.

From Insights to Implications: An Overview

The research review paper embarked on a comprehensive journey through dietary practices, drawing on a myriad of studies to weave a compelling narrative. At its core lies a set of recommendations that seeks to ameliorate symptoms and curb disease progression through dietary choices. While the paper’s spotlight is on RA, its far-reaching recommendations hold promise for an array of degenerative diseases.

The Journey Begins: Dietary Approaches for RA

The canvas of dietary interventions for RA is painted with diverse strokes, each representing a distinct approach. Among these stands the “7-Day Supervised Fast,” an approach that segues into an ongoing vegan diet. This intervention offers limited vitamin and mineral supplementation, carbohydrate intake, and energy derived from vegetable juice over a week. Remarkably, this regimen engenders a decrease in the activation of CD4 cells, inhibiting the inflammatory TH1 and Th17 cells, notorious for their role in triggering inflammation and joint deterioration in RA. Not stopping there, this approach also ushers in a reduction in other inflammatory joint chemicals such as LTB4, stemming from neutrophils. In an intriguing turn, the diet induces ketosis, a state of low-blood sugar. Within this metabolic shift, a ketone body – beta-hydroxybutyric acid – emerges as a potent force, mitigating the secretion of cytokines, the inflammation-inducing chemicals that often run rampant in RA. The combined effects of this regimen showcase its potential to assuage inflammation, pain, and joint destruction, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the challenge of RA.

Mediterranean Marvel: Diet as a Shield

Amidst the dietary landscape, the Mediterranean diet surfaces as a beacon of promise. This dietary approach, rich in oleic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, unrefined carbohydrates, and phytochemicals, encompasses a diet high in olive oil, cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish, and legumes. The inclusion of moderate amounts of red wine further elevates its allure. Within this tapestry of consumption, olive oil and fish emerge as stalwart warriors against inflammation, underpinning its potential to stave off the onset of RA.

Diving Deeper: Elemental Diet and Elimination Diet

A more formidable path unveils itself in the form of the Elemental Diet. Comprising a liquid formula enriched with specific amino acids, minimal glucose, and essential vitamins and trace elements, this regimen demonstrated its potency in a large study. A staggering 72% of patients registered over 20% improvement in pain and early morning stiffness, underscoring its potential in curbing RA symptoms. The hypoallergenic nature of this formula further underscores its efficacy in managing immune system overactivity.

The Elimination Diet, in turn, embraces a personalized approach. It seeks to identify and eliminate foods that trigger sensitivity in individuals. This tailored strategy acknowledges the tendency of food-based antigens to seep through the gut and incite an immune-inflammatory response, exacerbating RA symptoms.

The Culmination: Researcher Recommendations

Having traversed a spectrum of dietary interventions, the research review paper culminates in a set of recommendations tailored for RA patients. The ideal meal envisioned by the researchers encompasses raw or moderately cooked vegetables, replete with greens and legumes. The infusion of spices like turmeric and ginger, coupled with seasonal fruits and probiotic yogurt, orchestrates a symphony of natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. In tandem, the exclusion of processed foods, excessive salt, oils, butter, sugar, and animal products constitutes a pivotal facet. The researchers further advocate for dietary supplements such as vitamin D, cod liver oil, and multivitamins. These dietary practices, when harmoniously paired with low-impact aerobic exercises, present a formidable framework for self-managing RA, rendering it a financially sustainable endeavor.

The Science of Healing: Harnessing Nature’s Arsenal

The research review paper delves into the realm of scientific substantiation, underscoring the anti-inflammatory properties of a multitude of natural compounds. Green tea catechins, ginger, curcumin (derived from turmeric), boswellia, ashwagandha, and cinnamon bark emerge as warriors against inflammation. Grapes, oranges, apples, tomatoes, spinach, and potatoes, teeming with p-Coumaric acid, also manifest potent anti-inflammatory effects. The isoflavone genistein found in soybeans joins the fray, further enhancing the armament against inflammation. Omega-3 fats and borage seed oil, rich in gamma-linolenic acid, add their names to the roster of inflammation fighters. The canvas expands to encompass prebiotics and probiotics, yielding not only anti-inflammatory effects but also antioxidant properties. This twofold impact is underscored by their ability to shape gut microflora and modulate the immune system.

A Universal Approach: Beyond RA

While the research review paper’s focal point is RA, its insights ripple across the healthcare landscape. The dietary approach advocated within its pages resonates as a potent strategy in averting and managing a spectrum of degenerative diseases – from heart disease to Alzheimer’s disease. The pursuit of health, through conscientious dietary choices, emerges as a unifying thread woven through diverse medical narratives.


In the realm of health, the research review paper in question transcends a singular condition, urging readers to explore the dynamic interplay between diet and disease management. The insights unveiled within its pages, anchored by comprehensive studies and expert recommendations, hold the potential to transform lives. Beyond rheumatoid arthritis, this dietary approach extends its embrace to a tapestry of ailments, urging individuals to harness the power of nutrition in their journey towards vitality.


Khanna S, Jaiswal KS and Gupta B. Managing rheumatoid arthritis with dietary interventions. Frontiers in Nutrition – Clinical Nutrition. November 8, 2017.

Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great

Dr. Meschino

Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 72 – Unveiling the Power to Prevent Diabetes: A Path Forward for Canadians


LMU 72 – Unveiling the Power to Prevent Diabetes: A Path Forward for Canadians

Source: Journal American Medical Association – Internal Medicine (November 2017)

Lifestyle Medicine Update (November 17, 2017)


In the heart of Canada’s health landscape, a concerning reality unfolds – a staggering 2 million individuals grapple with diabetes, while an additional 7 million teeter on the brink of pre-diabetes, a harbinger of future health woes. This staggering statistic encompasses almost a third of the population, shedding light on the urgent need for intervention. Pre-diabetes, marked by fasting glucose levels ranging from 5.7 to 6.9 mmol/L, often accompanies other risk factors such as excessive abdominal fat, elevated blood pressure, high triglycerides, or low HDL-cholesterol. These statistics resonate beyond borders, as the U.S. mirrors a similar narrative with a diabetic and pre-diabetic cohort totalling a staggering 100 million individuals. In the U.S., a notable 9.4% of the population already battles diabetes. The magnitude of this issue necessitates exploration, as a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine sets the stage for a potential paradigm shift in diabetes prevention strategies.

The Looming Menace: Pre-diabetes and Diabetes in Canada

Within Canada’s diverse fabric lies an alarming health challenge, one that involves a significant portion of the populace. With 2 million diabetics and 7 million individuals navigating the precipice of pre-diabetes, equivalent to almost a third of the population, the threat looms large. Pre-diabetes is not merely an isolated numeric range; it is accompanied by a constellation of risk factors. Abdominal fat, as indicated by a waist circumference exceeding 36 inches for men and 33 inches for women, casts its ominous shadow. The presence of high blood pressure, elevated triglyceride levels, or diminished HDL-cholesterol further compounds the predicament. Such an intricate landscape beckons for innovative interventions.

The Quest for Prevention: A Meta-analysis Unveiled

Amidst this health landscape, a study published on November 6, 2017, in JAMA Internal Medicine resounds with hope. This meta-analysis of 43 international studies delved into the realm of pre-diabetes, aiming to uncover strategies that thwart its evolution into full-blown diabetes. The study resoundingly affirms the paramount importance of lifestyle modifications in this pursuit. Shedding those extra pounds surfaces as the cornerstone, as each kilogram of weight loss correlates with a remarkable 7% reduction in diabetes risk progression. The analysis embraced 43 studies, collectively revealing that lifestyle changes, from dietary adjustments to exercise, emerge as the most potent armament against the looming threat.

The Vanguard of Change: Lifestyle Modification

Within the 19 trials centred on lifestyle modification, an average treatment span of 2.6 years illuminated compelling outcomes. Patients who embraced dietary changes, exercise, or a combination thereof, charted a remarkable 39% lower risk of diabetes diagnosis compared to their non-intervention counterparts. The synergy of dietary adjustments and physical activity materialized as the optimal strategy, boasting a 41% risk reduction. This revelation encapsulates the dynamic interplay of nutrition and movement in diabetes prevention.

Medication as a Contender: A Parallel Perspective

Parallelly, the 21 medication trials provided intriguing insights. Over an average treatment duration of 3.1 years, medication recipients exhibited a commendable 36% lower risk of diabetes diagnosis in contrast to individuals randomized to control groups. This underscores the potential of pharmaceutical interventions to complement lifestyle modifications.

Sustaining Success: Long-term Implications

Beyond immediate interventions lies the critical question of sustainability. When formal lifestyle treatment was paused, patients who had embraced lifestyle modifications enjoyed a sustained 28% reduction in diabetes risk after a mean follow-up of 7.2 years. In stark contrast, individuals who underwent medication-induced washout exhibited no discernible reduction in diabetes risk post a mean 17-week follow-up. This underscored the long-term efficacy of lifestyle modifications in sustaining risk reduction.

Harnessing the Power of Prevention

The crux of the matter lies in the realization that a significant portion of the population hovers on the edge of diabetes due to incremental body fat and creeping blood sugar levels. The toll exacted by diabetes is immense – a shortened lifespan, heightened risk of debilitating complications including amputations, blindness, and the need for frequent dialysis. The perils extend to increased vulnerability to heart attacks, peripheral neuropathy, foot pain, and open foot wounds. It’s a burden too heavy to bear.

A Simple Solution: The Mathematics of Change

In the realm of diabetes prevention, simplicity is key. The arithmetic is straightforward – a mere reduction of 100 calories in daily intake coupled with an extra 100 calories burned through a brisk 10-12-minute walk can translate into the loss of 24 pounds of body fat in one year. This equation holds true for everyone, irrespective of their metabolism. Thus, for those perched on the cusp of diabetes, the promise of transformation lies in simple nutritional tweaks and increased physical activity. These seemingly modest adjustments possess the power to reverse major risk factors – from blood glucose levels and waist circumference to triglycerides, blood pressure, and HDL-cholesterol.

A Call to Action

The studies showcased within these findings ring loud and clear: individuals possess the authority to curb the ascent of diabetes and its life-altering complications. Empowerment lies in lifestyle modifications, a realm where the fusion of dietary choices and movement leads the charge.


The chronicle of diabetes and pre-diabetes in Canada encapsulates a significant health challenge. Yet, within this challenge resides the potential for transformation. The insights gleaned from the JAMA Internal Medicine study etch a path forward, one guided by lifestyle modifications, weight loss, and sustained commitment. The rallying cry is clear – harness the power of prevention and seize control over the trajectory of your health.


Haw SJ, Glalaviz KI, Straus AN. Long-term sustainability of diabetes prevention approaches. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. JAMA – Internal Medicine (November 6, 2017).

Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great,

Dr. Meschino

Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU – 71 Unlocking Liver Health: The Synergistic Impact of Probiotics, Omega-3 Fats, and Vitamin E


LMU – 71 Unlocking Liver Health: The Synergistic Impact of Probiotics, Omega-3 Fats, and Vitamin E

Source: United European Gastroenterology (UEG) Week 2017. Presented November 1, 2017

Lifestyle Medicine Update (November 10, 2017)


In the landscape of modern health challenges, the prevalence of fatty liver disease has emerged as a significant concern, paralleling the rising rates of overweight problems, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Characterized by inflammation and fat accumulation within the liver, this condition, medically referred to as “steatohepatitis,” poses a dual threat in the forms of alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. The latter, commonly termed non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), is closely linked to obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. The progression of either manifestation to cirrhosis, an irreversible and life-threatening liver disease, has intensified the search for effective interventions. Enter nutritional medicine, where recent studies are revealing the potential synergy of vitamin E, probiotics, and omega-3 fats in combatting this menacing ailment.

The Rise of Fatty Liver Disease

As modern lifestyles become increasingly sedentary and dietary habits tend toward excess, a surge in overweight problems, obesity, and type 2 diabetes has been witnessed. In lockstep with these trends, the incidence of fatty liver disease, or steatohepatitis, has climbed, bringing to light the dire consequences of unchecked metabolic disturbances. Steatohepatitis encompasses inflammation and fat accumulation within the liver, a condition not solely confined to alcoholics. Its non-alcoholic variant, NASH, manifests in individuals with diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome, representing a pre-diabetic state. Of utmost concern is the propensity of both forms to escalate into cirrhosis, an irreversible and life-threatening liver condition.

A Glimmer of Hope: Vitamin E and Fatty Liver

In 2012, a pivotal shift in treatment recommendations occurred when the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, the American College of Gastroenterology, and the American Gastroenterological Association endorsed the supplementation of vitamin E for fatty liver problems. This marked a significant step towards harnessing nutritional interventions to mitigate liver-related challenges.

The Emerging Trio: Probiotics, Omega-3 Fats, and Liver Health

In a twist of fate, a recent study has surfaced, unveiling a potent combination that could help reverse liver damage in patients afflicted by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This groundbreaking trial focused on 48 adults grappling with NAFLD, some of whom were also burdened by type 2 diabetes. The intervention involved administering a fusion of probiotics and omega-3 fats from flaxseed and wheat germ oil for a span of eight weeks, while a placebo group was concurrently monitored. The findings unveiled a remarkable reduction in the mean fatty liver index score, a comprehensive indicator encompassing various blood markers that signify liver inflammation and damage. Furthermore, this revelation was not an isolated incident; prior animal studies had already hinted at the symbiotic relationship between probiotics and omega-3 fats, echoing the outcomes of the present human trial.

The Microbial Symphony: Probiotics’ Role

The significance of probiotics, often colloquially referred to as “friendly bacteria,” cannot be understated. Their pivotal role in fostering a harmonious gut microbiome is believed to wield a twofold impact: suppressing the release of inflammation-promoting chemicals by less amicable bacterial entities and potentially secreting beneficial substances that traverse the bloodstream and exert protective effects on the liver. This dual-pronged mechanism underlines the capacity of probiotics to modulate liver health at its core.

Omega-3 Fats: A Multi-Faceted Shield

The inclusion of omega-3 fats in this liver-boosting equation introduces a multifaceted layer of protection. Known for their ability to impede cell division and curb inflammation, omega-3 fats present a mechanism that holds promise in the reduction of cirrhosis development and the reversal of fibrotic damage in liver cells. This is just one facet of their comprehensive impact on overall health and disease management.

The Promise of Nutritional Medicine

The convergence of probiotics, omega-3 fats, and vitamin E as potent tools in the battle against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease underscores the influence of nutritional medicine in both disease prevention and complementary management. The foundation laid by research in this realm speaks volumes about the intrinsic connection between the foods we consume, the exercise we engage in, and the supplements we choose to integrate into our lives, and the modulation of our health and healthy life expectancy.

A Glimpse into the Future

While the current findings shine a light on the potent partnership between probiotics, omega-3 fats, and vitamin E, the journey of discovery continues. As the scientific community delves deeper into the intricacies of liver health, it is likely that additional mechanisms through which these interventions exert their effects will be unearthed. The tantalizing potential of these nutritional powerhouses in shaping liver function invites further exploration and innovation in the field of medical science.


In a world grappling with escalating rates of fatty liver disease, the convergence of nutritional medicine and scientific inquiry offers a glimmer of hope. The triumphant trio of probiotics, omega-3 fats, and vitamin E emerges as a formidable ally in the war against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The potential to reverse damage and enhance liver health through these interventions speaks to the profound impact of lifestyle choices and dietary supplementation. As researchers continue to unearth the underlying mechanisms driving these effects, the horizon of possibilities in liver health management expands, marking yet another triumph for the realm of nutritional medicine.


  1. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. (2012). Vitamin E and Fatty Liver Disease. Retrieved from
  2. Medscape. (2017). Probiotics, Omega-3s Reverse Fatty Liver Disease. Retrieved from
  3. Mayo Clinic. (2023). Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Retrieved from

Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great,

Dr. Meschino

Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.