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LMU – 71 Unlocking Liver Health: The Synergistic Impact of Probiotics, Omega-3 Fats, and Vitamin E


LMU – 71 Unlocking Liver Health: The Synergistic Impact of Probiotics, Omega-3 Fats, and Vitamin E

Source: United European Gastroenterology (UEG) Week 2017. Presented November 1, 2017

Lifestyle Medicine Update (November 10, 2017)


In the landscape of modern health challenges, the prevalence of fatty liver disease has emerged as a significant concern, paralleling the rising rates of overweight problems, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Characterized by inflammation and fat accumulation within the liver, this condition, medically referred to as “steatohepatitis,” poses a dual threat in the forms of alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. The latter, commonly termed non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), is closely linked to obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. The progression of either manifestation to cirrhosis, an irreversible and life-threatening liver disease, has intensified the search for effective interventions. Enter nutritional medicine, where recent studies are revealing the potential synergy of vitamin E, probiotics, and omega-3 fats in combatting this menacing ailment.

The Rise of Fatty Liver Disease

As modern lifestyles become increasingly sedentary and dietary habits tend toward excess, a surge in overweight problems, obesity, and type 2 diabetes has been witnessed. In lockstep with these trends, the incidence of fatty liver disease, or steatohepatitis, has climbed, bringing to light the dire consequences of unchecked metabolic disturbances. Steatohepatitis encompasses inflammation and fat accumulation within the liver, a condition not solely confined to alcoholics. Its non-alcoholic variant, NASH, manifests in individuals with diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome, representing a pre-diabetic state. Of utmost concern is the propensity of both forms to escalate into cirrhosis, an irreversible and life-threatening liver condition.

A Glimmer of Hope: Vitamin E and Fatty Liver

In 2012, a pivotal shift in treatment recommendations occurred when the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, the American College of Gastroenterology, and the American Gastroenterological Association endorsed the supplementation of vitamin E for fatty liver problems. This marked a significant step towards harnessing nutritional interventions to mitigate liver-related challenges.

The Emerging Trio: Probiotics, Omega-3 Fats, and Liver Health

In a twist of fate, a recent study has surfaced, unveiling a potent combination that could help reverse liver damage in patients afflicted by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This groundbreaking trial focused on 48 adults grappling with NAFLD, some of whom were also burdened by type 2 diabetes. The intervention involved administering a fusion of probiotics and omega-3 fats from flaxseed and wheat germ oil for a span of eight weeks, while a placebo group was concurrently monitored. The findings unveiled a remarkable reduction in the mean fatty liver index score, a comprehensive indicator encompassing various blood markers that signify liver inflammation and damage. Furthermore, this revelation was not an isolated incident; prior animal studies had already hinted at the symbiotic relationship between probiotics and omega-3 fats, echoing the outcomes of the present human trial.

The Microbial Symphony: Probiotics’ Role

The significance of probiotics, often colloquially referred to as “friendly bacteria,” cannot be understated. Their pivotal role in fostering a harmonious gut microbiome is believed to wield a twofold impact: suppressing the release of inflammation-promoting chemicals by less amicable bacterial entities and potentially secreting beneficial substances that traverse the bloodstream and exert protective effects on the liver. This dual-pronged mechanism underlines the capacity of probiotics to modulate liver health at its core.

Omega-3 Fats: A Multi-Faceted Shield

The inclusion of omega-3 fats in this liver-boosting equation introduces a multifaceted layer of protection. Known for their ability to impede cell division and curb inflammation, omega-3 fats present a mechanism that holds promise in the reduction of cirrhosis development and the reversal of fibrotic damage in liver cells. This is just one facet of their comprehensive impact on overall health and disease management.

The Promise of Nutritional Medicine

The convergence of probiotics, omega-3 fats, and vitamin E as potent tools in the battle against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease underscores the influence of nutritional medicine in both disease prevention and complementary management. The foundation laid by research in this realm speaks volumes about the intrinsic connection between the foods we consume, the exercise we engage in, and the supplements we choose to integrate into our lives, and the modulation of our health and healthy life expectancy.

A Glimpse into the Future

While the current findings shine a light on the potent partnership between probiotics, omega-3 fats, and vitamin E, the journey of discovery continues. As the scientific community delves deeper into the intricacies of liver health, it is likely that additional mechanisms through which these interventions exert their effects will be unearthed. The tantalizing potential of these nutritional powerhouses in shaping liver function invites further exploration and innovation in the field of medical science.


In a world grappling with escalating rates of fatty liver disease, the convergence of nutritional medicine and scientific inquiry offers a glimmer of hope. The triumphant trio of probiotics, omega-3 fats, and vitamin E emerges as a formidable ally in the war against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The potential to reverse damage and enhance liver health through these interventions speaks to the profound impact of lifestyle choices and dietary supplementation. As researchers continue to unearth the underlying mechanisms driving these effects, the horizon of possibilities in liver health management expands, marking yet another triumph for the realm of nutritional medicine.


  1. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. (2012). Vitamin E and Fatty Liver Disease. Retrieved from
  2. Medscape. (2017). Probiotics, Omega-3s Reverse Fatty Liver Disease. Retrieved from
  3. Mayo Clinic. (2023). Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Retrieved from

Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great,

Dr. Meschino

Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 70 – Unlocking the Healing Power of Vitamin E: A Breakthrough for Fatty Liver Disease


LMU 70 – Unlocking the Healing Power of Vitamin E: A Breakthrough for Fatty Liver Disease

Source: Journal Hepatology 2012

Lifestyle Medicine Update (November 2, 2017)

Introduction: A Growing Epidemic Beckons Attention

In the ever-evolving landscape of medical research, revelations unfold, casting light on once-hidden corners of human health. Among the concerns that have surged to the forefront is Fatty Liver Disease, a condition that has stealthily grown alongside the obesity and type 2 diabetes epidemic. This condition, scientifically known as “steatohepatitis,” is a twofold menace, involving inflammation and fat accumulation within the liver. As medical bodies like the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, the American College of Gastroenterology, and the American Gastroenterological Association gather insights, fresh guidelines emerge to reshape the landscape of Fatty Liver Disease treatment.

Fatty Liver Disease: Navigating the Terrain

While Fatty Liver Disease has long been linked to excessive alcohol consumption, an alarming variant has surfaced among non-alcoholic individuals, known as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). This form finds a comfortable home in those wrestling with diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. United by their vulnerability, both incarnations of Fatty Liver Disease harbor the potential to escalate into cirrhosis, a menacing liver condition that reverberates with life-threatening echoes.

Vitamin E’s Astonishing Role: Rewriting the Script of Liver Health

Amidst this backdrop, a ray of hope emerges, one that bears the name of an unassuming vitamin – E. The 2012 guidelines issued by leading medical associations encompassing the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, the American College of Gastroenterology, and the American Gastroenterological Association cast a spotlight on the potential of Vitamin E in tackling Fatty Liver Disease. Encouraging patients with NASH to embark on a journey of excess body fat reduction and alcohol avoidance, these guidelines transcend the ordinary by advocating the provision of 800 IU of vitamin E daily.

The resonance of this recommendation reverberates through studies that have illuminated Vitamin E’s unique ability to reverse liver cell damage, breathing new life into the histological features of liver cells in NASH cases. The implications are profound; Vitamin E emerges as a trailblazing pharmacotherapy, poised to tackle the very fabric of fatty liver issues at the cellular level.

Unravelling a Lifeline: The Power of Vitamin E in Preventing Cirrhosis

This revelation is no mere academic insight. In a realm where few agents possess the prowess to reverse non-alcoholic steatohepatitis-induced liver damage, Vitamin E stands tall as a beacon of hope. The potential to stall the harrowing progression of Fatty Liver Disease to the relentless grasp of cirrhosis marks Vitamin E as a vital guardian, a line of defence against an irreversible liver condition.

Beyond the Surface: Vitamin E’s Ripple Effect

The story takes an intriguing twist, unfolding to reveal yet another facet of Vitamin E’s impact. Recent revelations have unveiled Vitamin E’s hand in curbing the risk of liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, particularly in high-risk individuals. This finding, chronicled in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, underscores Vitamin E’s multi-dimensional influence, extending its healing touch beyond the realms of Fatty Liver Disease.

Heed the Call: A Path to Wellness

For those navigating the labyrinth of health marked by high triglyceride levels, elevated liver enzymes, and an undertone of fatty liver woes, a crucial dialogue with healthcare providers awaits. The pursuit of 800 IU of Vitamin E daily beckons as a potential lifeline, a stride toward thwarting the relentless progression of liver damage. But Vitamin E is not a solitary warrior; it dances in tandem with a tapestry of dietary and lifestyle modifications that coalesce to foster well-being.

Charting a Course with Insights: Embrace the Journey

As the pages of medical journals turn, revealing Vitamin E’s hidden potential in Fatty Liver Disease treatment, individuals are bestowed with a unique opportunity. In a world marked by uncertainties, Vitamin E emerges as a steady guide, an advocate for liver health, and a herald of hope. The journey is illuminated, replete with insights that transcend the confines of conventional treatment.


  1. National Cancer Institute. (2012). Vitamin E Intake and Mortality in Male Smokers. Retrieved from
  2. (2012). Hepatology. Retrieved from
Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 69 – Fatherhood and Nutrition: A Hidden Influence on Offspring’s Health


LMU 69 – Fatherhood and Nutrition: A Hidden Influence on Offspring's Health

Source: Proceedings of Royal Society B. Biological Sciences Journal – 2017

Lifestyle Medicine Update (October 20, 2017)

Introduction: A Prelude to Paternal Nutrition

The journey to parenthood is a transformative one, intertwined with a tapestry of growth and development. While the importance of maternal nutrition during conception, pregnancy, and lactation is widely acknowledged, the role of paternal nutrition has lingered in the shadows. It’s a lesser-known facet, an enigma that researchers are beginning to unravel. In this narrative, we traverse the intricate landscape of paternal nutrition, exploring its profound impact on the growth and well-being of offspring during their formative months of life.

Maternal Nutrition: A Keystone for Fetal Development

The significance of maternal nutrition in shaping the trajectory of fetal growth and development is etched in scientific literature. Even marginal deficiencies in vital nutrients like folic acid, vitamin B12, and iron can cast a shadow on the offspring’s future. Neural tube defects like spina bifida lurk as potential risks, while compromised brain development looms as an ominous spectre. This realm underscores the critical nature of maternal nourishment during conception, pregnancy, and lactation, often echoing across the first 3-6 months of an infant’s life.

Beyond Maternal Nutrition: Paternal Influence Emerges

However, the canvas is far more complex. The focal point shifts to the nutritional status of the often-overlooked sperm donor – the father. Beyond the genetic legacy they contribute, fathers wield influence that extends beyond the confines of genes, a phenomenon christened as epigenetics. The scope of these influences transcends the bounds of mere genes, encompassing a spectrum of environmental effects. Toxins nestled within seminal plasma can be seamlessly passed to offspring, charting an unforeseen course for their health. Epigenetic impact also springs from factors like diet, obesity, and fitness, knitting a tapestry that can predispose offspring to conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

Evidentiary Threads: Illuminating the Path

A poignant thread weaves through a Swedish study that illuminated the intricate link between early-life experiences and later generations’ health. This study unveiled a correlation between children who encountered ample food access at the age of 9 and higher rates of diabetes and heart disease among their grandchildren. In stark contrast, children grappling with mild to moderate food scarcity at a similar age witnessed their progeny’s resilience against heart disease and diabetes. This insight underscores the epigenetic echoes that food availability can orchestrate across generations, holding fathers as silent conductors of this symphony.

The Fruit Fly’s Whispers: An Unexpected Parallel

While the human story unfolds, an unexpected yet resonant parallel emerges from the realm of fruit flies. These diminutive creatures share a staggering 60 percent of human genes, and over 75 percent of our disease-related genes, rendering them an intriguing subject for scientific exploration. In a captivating experiment published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences in 2017, researchers tinkered with the diet of male fruit flies, illuminating the echoes of paternal nutrition on offspring. The results were striking; male fruit flies consuming a diet rich in sugary carbohydrates but lacking in quality protein witnessed compromised offspring health and survival rates, particularly in subsequent mating rounds. This compelling experiment paints an intriguing parallel to the observations within human studies.

The Supplement Saga: Enhancing Sperm Potency

Amidst the broader tapestry of paternal nutrition lies the realm of supplements, offering a pathway to enhance sperm quality and motility. These supplements assume paramount importance for couples traversing the path of conception, especially when male sperm potency comes into question. Within this realm, a roster of supplements emerges as promising players:

  1. Vitamin C: This antioxidant emerges as a guardian, safeguarding sperm’s genetic material from damage and mutations. Vitamin C supplementation has showcased its potential in improving sperm quality, with smokers witnessing significant benefits. Even non-smokers experienced a staggering 140 percent increase in sperm counts within a week of consuming 1,000 mg of Vitamin C daily.
  2. Vitamin B12: Demonstrating its prowess, Vitamin B12 illuminated a path for men grappling with low sperm counts or motility. Doses ranging from 1,000 mcg to 6,000 mcg daily led to substantial improvements, painting a portrait of restored vitality.
  3. Vitamin E: With doses of 600-800 IU, Vitamin E embarks on a journey to bolster sperm quality and male fertility. Its role in diminishing free radical damage to sperm cells marks a vital contribution.
  4. L-Carnitine: In a realm where sperm motility takes center stage, L-Carnitine emerges as a promising protagonist. A daily dose of 1,000 mg sets the stage for enhanced motility and improved fertility.

Charting a Course for Future Generations

In a realm where paternal nutrition unfurls its wings, a symphony of influence comes to life. Studies collectively reinforce the notion that the nutritional status of fathers plays a pivotal role in shaping the health trajectory of future generations. Aspiring fathers are poised to tread the path of wellness, not just for themselves but for the generations they engender. The journey toward fatherhood beckons the cultivation of a healthier lifestyle, a conscious effort to forge a legacy of vitality.


  1. Michal Polak, Leigh W. Simmons, Joshua B. Benoit, Kari Ruohonen, Stephen J. Simpson, Samantha M. Solon-Biet. Nutritional geometry of paternal effects on embryo mortality. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2017; 284 (1864)
  2. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease – 10th edition (2006). Editors: Shils M E, Shike M et al. Lippincott Wilkins & Wilkins.
Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 68 – Revitalizing the Spirit: Rhodiola’s Potential to Combat Burnout


LMU 68 – Revitalizing the Spirit: Rhodiola's Potential to Combat Burnout

Source: Journal Neuropsychiatric Diseases and Treatment (March 2017)

Lifestyle Medicine Update


In the bustling tapestry of modern life, burnout emerges as a palpable concern, weaving its tendrils through various facets of society. This prevalent phenomenon is not just a fleeting annoyance; it burgeons into a pressing issue that fuels an escalating number of disability claims. Fuelled by the relentless cadence of our fast-paced existence, compounded by multifarious obligations from different spheres of our lives, burnout casts its shadow. It’s an affliction that goes beyond mere exhaustion, delving into emotional depletion and hindered performance. This intricate web of strain is well-captured by the official definition of burnout – “the subjective perception of chronic demand-related stress with subsequent emotional exhaustion and decreased performance in work-related or self-set tasks.”

Diving into the Depths of Burnout

The canvas of burnout reveals a spectrum of symptoms that extend beyond mere changes in mood. It encompasses a gamut of emotional upheavals, including fatigue, cynicism, impaired sexual well-being, lack of concentration, and an overall negative attitude toward work. However, its tendrils extend even further, manifesting in physical symptoms such as headaches, spasticity, rigidity, and irritable stomach. What further exacerbates the gravity of burnout is its potential to lay the foundation for severe mental and physical disorders. The looming shadows of depressionanxiety, and cardiovascular conditions become increasingly likely for those who have traversed the harrowing terrain of burnout.

Rhodiola: A Glimmer of Hope

In the realm of scientific inquiry, researchers have delved into the promise of an herbal supplement named Rhodiola for alleviating burnout. Classified as an adaptogen, Rhodiola demonstrates a remarkable ability to counteract the deleterious effects of stress on both the body and mind. Its multidimensional mechanisms include curbing the secretion of stress hormones and maintaining equilibrium in essential brain neurotransmitters during periods of stress. Amongst the plethora of studies, a beacon of significance emerges from a study published on March 22, 2017, in the journal Neuropsychiatric Diseases and Treatment. This study has the potential to revolutionize the landscape of burnout intervention.

A Glimpse into the Study: Unveiling Rhodiola’s Potential

Intriguing and impactful, this 2017 study embarked on a transformative journey, aimed at unravelling Rhodiola’s prowess in combating burnout. The canvas was painted with precision, encompassing 118 male and female outpatients aged 30 to 60 years, all grappling with the shackles of burnout symptoms. These participants shared the common thread of bearing daily stress burdens, often stemming from the care of handicapped or demented family members. Throughout a 12-week period, these subjects ingested a standardized grade of Rhodiola rosea extract, equivalent to 400 mg daily.

Empowering Results: A Glimpse of the Transformation

The journey of these participants unfolded as a testament to the potential of Rhodiola. The researchers documented a significant amelioration of subjective stress symptoms, suggestive of an augmented coping ability and a reduction in the perceived demand placed on these individuals. Delving deeper, the study unveiled specific parameters that experienced notable improvement:

  1. Regaining Joy and Zest for Life: A substantial percentage of patients reported experiencing a resurgence of joy and zest for life, a spark rekindled amidst the haze of burnout.
  2. Enhanced Alertness: The fog of burnout lifted for many, leading to improved alertness that kindled the flame of productivity.
  3. A Sense of Personal Accomplishment: Strides were made in fostering a sense of personal accomplishment, breathing life into the embers of self-worth.
  4. Revival of Interest in Intimacy: A realm often overshadowed by burnout, the study revealed a commendable combat against stress-induced impairment of participants’ sex lives.

Stunningly, some participants witnessed the dawn of improvement within the first week of Rhodiola supplementation, while a majority basked in the glow of these benefits over the 12-week journey. Importantly, these findings resonate in harmony with other trials that have explored the effects of Rhodiola extract in augmenting physical and mental performance amidst challenging circumstances.

A Note of Caution and Clarity: Charting the Path Forward

As the allure of Rhodiola’s potential beckons, a note of caution and clarity becomes paramount. Those considering the adoption of a Rhodiola supplement to alleviate burnout symptoms are advised to consult their healthcare providers before embarking on this journey. A pivotal caveat is to ensure that the chosen Rhodiola supplement is standardized to a 3.5% Rosavins content. This standardization ensures the potency and efficacy of the medicinal components within the recommended daily dosage of 400 mg.

Conclusion: A Ray of Hope Amidst the Abyss of Burnout

In a world besieged by the relentless tides of burnout, Rhodiola emerges as a resplendent ray of hope. The study’s findings hold the promise of transforming lives marred by emotional exhaustion and impaired performance. By embracing Rhodiola as a potential ally, individuals can embark on a journey of renewal, traversing the path from burnout’s clutches towards a realm of revitalization and rejuvenation.


Kasper S and Dienel A. Multicenter, open-label, exploratory clinical trial with Rhodiola rosea extract in patients suffering from burnout symptoms. Neuropsychiatry Dis Treat. 2017. 13:889-898.

Eat Smart, Live Well, Look Great,

Dr. Meschino


In the bustling tapestry of modern life, burnout emerges as a palpable concern, weaving its tendrils through various facets of society. This prevalent phenomenon is not just a fleeting annoyance; it burgeons into a pressing issue that fuels an escalating number of disability claims. Fuelled by the relentless cadence of our fast-paced existence, compounded by multifarious obligations from different spheres of our lives, burnout casts its shadow. It’s an affliction that goes beyond mere exhaustion, delving into emotional depletion and hindered performance. This intricate web of strain is well-captured by the official definition of burnout – “the subjective perception of chronic demand-related stress with subsequent emotional exhaustion and decreased performance in work-related or self-set tasks.”

Diving into the Depths of Burnout

The canvas of burnout reveals a spectrum of symptoms that extend beyond mere changes in mood. It encompasses a gamut of emotional upheavals, including fatigue, cynicism, impaired sexual well-being, lack of concentration, and an overall negative attitude toward work. However, its tendrils extend even further, manifesting in physical symptoms such as headaches, spasticity, rigidity, and irritable stomach. What further exacerbates the gravity of burnout is its potential to lay the foundation for severe mental and physical disorders. The looming shadows of depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular conditions become increasingly likely for those who have traversed the harrowing terrain of burnout.

Rhodiola: A Glimmer of Hope

In the realm of scientific inquiry, researchers have delved into the promise of an herbal supplement named Rhodiola for alleviating burnout. Classified as an adaptogen, Rhodiola demonstrates a remarkable ability to counteract the deleterious effects of stress on both the body and mind. Its multidimensional mechanisms include curbing the secretion of stress hormones and maintaining equilibrium in essential brain neurotransmitters during periods of stress. Amongst the plethora of studies, a beacon of significance emerges from a study published on March 22, 2017, in the journal Neuropsychiatric Diseases and Treatment. This study has the potential to revolutionize the landscape of burnout intervention.

A Glimpse into the Study: Unveiling Rhodiola’s Potential

Intriguing and impactful, this 2017 study embarked on a transformative journey, aimed at unravelling Rhodiola’s prowess in combating burnout. The canvas was painted with precision, encompassing 118 male and female outpatients aged 30 to 60 years, all grappling with the shackles of burnout symptoms. These participants shared the common thread of bearing daily stress burdens, often stemming from the care of handicapped or demented family members. Throughout a 12-week period, these subjects ingested a standardized grade of Rhodiola rosea extract, equivalent to 400 mg daily.

Empowering Results: A Glimpse of the Transformation

The journey of these participants unfolded as a testament to the potential of Rhodiola. The researchers documented a significant amelioration of subjective stress symptoms, suggestive of an augmented coping ability and a reduction in the perceived demand placed on these individuals. Delving deeper, the study unveiled specific parameters that experienced notable improvement:

  1. Regaining Joy and Zest for Life: A substantial percentage of patients reported experiencing a resurgence of joy and zest for life, a spark rekindled amidst the haze of burnout.
  2. Enhanced Alertness: The fog of burnout lifted for many, leading to improved alertness that kindled the flame of productivity.
  3. A Sense of Personal Accomplishment: Strides were made in fostering a sense of personal accomplishment, breathing life into the embers of self-worth.
  4. Revival of Interest in Intimacy: A realm often overshadowed by burnout, the study revealed a commendable combat against stress-induced impairment of participants’ sex lives.

Stunningly, some participants witnessed the dawn of improvement within the first week of Rhodiola supplementation, while a majority basked in the glow of these benefits over the 12-week journey. Importantly, these findings resonate in harmony with other trials that have explored the effects of Rhodiola extract in augmenting physical and mental performance amidst challenging circumstances.

A Note of Caution and Clarity: Charting the Path Forward

As the allure of Rhodiola’s potential beckons, a note of caution and clarity becomes paramount. Those considering the adoption of a Rhodiola supplement to alleviate burnout symptoms are advised to consult their healthcare providers before embarking on this journey. A pivotal caveat is to ensure that the chosen Rhodiola supplement is standardized to a 3.5% Rosavins content. This standardization ensures the potency and efficacy of the medicinal components within the recommended daily dosage of 400 mg.

Conclusion: A Ray of Hope Amidst the Abyss of Burnout

In a world besieged by the relentless tides of burnout, Rhodiola emerges as a resplendent ray of hope. The study’s findings hold the promise of transforming lives marred by emotional exhaustion and impaired performance. By embracing Rhodiola as a potential ally, individuals can embark on a journey of renewal, traversing the path from burnout’s clutches towards a realm of revitalization and rejuvenation.


Kasper S and Dienel A. Multicenter, open-label, exploratory clinical trial with Rhodiola rosea extract in patients suffering from burnout symptoms. Neuropsychiatry Dis Treat. 2017. 13:889-898.

Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 67 – Harnessing Vitamin D: A Key Player in the Fight Against Type 2 Diabetes


LMU 67 – Harnessing Vitamin D: A Key Player in the Fight Against Type 2 Diabetes

Source: PLOS One Journal: June 2017

Lifestyle Medicine Update


In the modern landscape of health concerns, the escalating prevalence of Type 2 diabetes stands as a stark reminder of the impact of sedentary lifestyles and weight gain. As this epidemic continues to grip societies worldwide, the significance of adopting preventive measures takes center stage. Among these strategies, establishing a regular endurance exercise routine, practicing mindful eating to curb overindulgence, reducing sugary and starchy carbohydrate intake, and minimizing consumption of detrimental fats emerge as vital first steps to thwart the onset of Type 2 diabetes. These approaches also play a pivotal role in effectively managing the condition once it manifests. In addition to these strategies, several supplements show potential in aiding blood sugar control, including cinnamon, chromium, alpha-lipoic acid, and catechins from green tea extract.

The Power of Vitamin D: Unveiling a Striking Correlation

A breakthrough study conducted in Australia and published on June 2, 2017, has shed light on the compelling link between blood vitamin D levels and the risk of Type 2 diabetes. While not the first study of its kind, its findings serve as a robust addition to the mounting evidence supporting the role of vitamin D in diabetes prevention. In this study, researchers meticulously analyzed data from a substantial pool of nearly 4,000 subjects aged 18 to 75 years, participating in the Victoria Health Monitor Survey. The rich dataset encompassed an array of critical information, including:

  1. Physical activity levels
  2. Dietary patterns
  3. Comprehensive biomedical data
  4. Blood glucose measurements
  5. Glycolated hemoglobin (Hb A1c) readings
  6. Vitamin D levels in the blood
  7. Blood triglyceride levels
  8. HDL-cholesterol concentrations
  9. Blood pressure readings
  10. Anthropometric data, such as Body Mass Index and waist circumference

In a meticulous approach, socio-demographic factors, age, gender, country of birth, smoking status, season, and Index of Relative Socioeconomic Disadvantage were meticulously considered. Through this rigorous statistical control, a remarkable trend emerged. Individuals boasting higher levels of vitamin D in their blood exhibited a striking 39% reduction in fasting glucose levels and a substantial 26% decrease in glycolated hemoglobin (Hb1Ac) readings, a key indicator of diabetes control.

Deciphering the Mechanism Behind the Association

Delving into the mechanism that underlies this correlation, the study uncovers a critical role for vitamin D in the intricate web of diabetes prevention. The pancreas, responsible for insulin synthesis and secretion, relies on vitamin D to fulfil this pivotal function. Insulin, in turn, serves as the facilitator that guides blood sugar into cells, enabling it to be converted into energy. Furthermore, vitamin D enhances the efficiency of insulin receptors on cell surfaces, contributing to optimal blood sugar management. Moreover, vitamin D exerts its influence by dampening low-grade systemic inflammation, a precursor to Type 2 diabetes in individuals who harbor risk factors like obesity, sedentary habits, and genetic predisposition.

Setting Optimal Vitamin D Targets: A Holistic Approach

The study’s standout revelation pertains to individuals within the highest range of measured vitamin D levels (64 – 204 nmol/L). This group demonstrated remarkable outcomes, showcasing significantly lower fasting blood sugar and glycolated hemoglobin levels. Drawing upon a comprehensive understanding of the research landscape spanning over 35 years, it is recommended that maintaining blood vitamin D levels within the range of 85 – 150 nmol/L serves as an optimal approach. This range not only bolsters efforts to mitigate osteoporosis but also emerges as a promising strategy in reducing the risk of various cancers, Type 2 diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s disease to some extent.

Conclusion: Vitamin D – A Beacon of Hope in Diabetes Prevention

As the battle against Type 2 diabetes rages on, the emergence of vitamin D as a potent ally in this endeavor offers renewed hope. This study from Australia resounds with significance, reinforcing the conviction that simple lifestyle interventions can yield profound results. With the link between vitamin D and diabetes risk reduction gaining momentum, the journey towards a healthier future can be paved by embracing vitamin D optimization alongside regular exercise, mindful eating, and other preventive practices. By championing these strategies, individuals can transcend the grip of the Type 2 diabetes epidemic, embarking on a path marked by vitality and well-being.


Pannu PK, Piers LS et al. Vitamin D status is inversely associated with markers of risk for type 2 diabetes: A population study in Victoria, Australia. PLOS One. June 2, 2017

Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 66 – Empowering Cancer Doctors: Leading by Example in the Fight Against Cancer


LMU 66 – Empowering Cancer Doctors: Leading by Example in the Fight Against Cancer

Source: Medscape August 30, 2017

Lifestyle Medicine Update


In the battle against cancer, medical practitioners bear witness to the devastating impact of this disease day in and day out. With many cases defying complete cure, doctors who specialize in oncology, urology, and dermatology are faced with the stark reality of cancer’s wrath. This professional exposure, coupled with the mounting evidence that lifestyle and dietary practices can play a pivotal role in cancer prevention, impels these healthcare providers to adopt proactive strategies in their personal lives. A recent interview conducted with cancer doctors sheds light on how these specialists endeavor to safeguard themselves against the very disease they combat. Published on Medscape on August 30, 2017, and originally featured in Men’s Health magazine, this insightful report underscores the growing recognition among cancer physicians that the fight against cancer begins with preventive lifestyle choices.

A Glimpse into Cancer Doctors’ Personal Strategies

The interview provides a glimpse into the personal practices of cancer specialists who have chosen to actively incorporate preventive measures into their daily lives. Here is a snapshot of their strategies:

  1. Dr. Philippe Spiess, MD: A genitourinary oncologist in Tampa, Florida, Dr. Spiess places emphasis on incorporating vegetables and fiber-rich foods into his diet. This choice resonates with emerging research that underscores the cancer-fighting potential of a plant-based diet.
  2. Dr. Matthew Yurgelun, MD: A medical oncologist in Boston, Dr. Yurgelun advocates for the consumption of nuts as a snack. This practice not only curbs unhealthy snacking but also aligns with a wholesome dietary approach to combat obesity-related diseases, including cancer.
  3. Dr. Christopher Saigal, MD: Dr. Saigal, a urologist in Los Angeles, endorses the preference for fish over red meat. His guidance echoes research linking heart-healthy foods with reduced prostate cancer risk and progression. Additionally, he underscores the adverse association between red and processed meats and colorectal cancer.
  4. Dr. Joseph Sobanko, MD: A dermatologist in Philadelphia, Dr. Sobanko practices what he preaches by diligently using broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen with zinc or titanium dioxide every morning. This proactive measure aligns with his commitment to skin health.
  5. Dr. Anthony Rossi, MD: At Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, Dr. Rossi supplements with vitamin B3 (nicotinamide). His choice finds resonance in recent Australian research demonstrating nicotinamide’s potential in reducing nonmelanoma skin cancer.
  6. Dr. Keith McCrae, MD: An oncologist at Cleveland Clinic Cancer Institute, Dr. McCrae exemplifies the power of exercise by cycling 25 to 30 miles on most weekdays, augmenting his physical fitness and well-being.
  7. Dr. Alan Wan: A medical oncologist at Northwestern Medicine Kishwaukee Hospital in Illinois, Dr. Wan kick-starts his day with green tea, a practice rich in antioxidants that contribute to his overall health.
  8. Dr. Nelson Bennett, MD: Dr. Bennett, a urologist from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, advocates for stress reduction through mindfulness. His daily ritual involves focused deep breathing, an exercise that calms the mind and reduces stress.

Embracing Research-Informed Lifestyle Practices

It is heartening to observe that many of the strategies embraced by these cancer doctors mirror those highlighted in ongoing research and wellness updates. These medical professionals are tapping into a growing body of knowledge that underscores the significant impact of lifestyle and dietary choices on cancer risk. By embodying these practices, they not only cultivate their own well-being but also set an inspiring example for their patients and society at large.

A Powerful Reminder of Cancer’s Preventability

Cancer societies around the world consistently emphasize the importance of lifestyle changes, advocating for measures such as smoking cessation, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and employing sun protection. The urgency behind these recommendations stems from studies suggesting that a staggering 70-90 percent of all cancer cases are preventable through targeted lifestyle and dietary interventions. While comprehensive answers are still unfolding, robust scientific evidence supports the efficacy of several dietary and lifestyle practices.

Conclusion: Pioneering Prevention Through Personal Choices

The interview with cancer doctors offers a window into a realm where healthcare providers are not only healers but also proactive advocates of prevention. As these specialists seamlessly integrate research-informed strategies into their personal lives, they amplify the message that proactive measures can indeed tilt the balance in the fight against cancer. Their dedication stands as a beacon, reminding us that the journey towards a cancer-free world begins with the choices we make every day.


Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 65 – Unlocking the Sweet Secret of Cinnamon: A Powerful Ally Against Pre-Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk


LMU 65 – Unlocking the Sweet Secret of Cinnamon: A Powerful Ally Against Pre-Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk

Source: Journal – Lipids in Health and Disease (June 12, 2017)

Lifestyle Medicine Update (September 2, 2017)


In the ever-evolving realm of health and wellness, certain natural remedies emerge as stars, capturing the attention of researchers and enthusiasts alike. A recent study, published in the *Journal Lipids in Health and Disease* (BioMedical Central) on June 12, 2017, unveils the impressive potential of cinnamon as a game-changer for pre-diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors. This investigation delves into the remarkable impact of cinnamon supplementation on blood sugar regulation and overall cardiovascular health, specifically targeting individuals with metabolic syndrome. This research assumes paramount significance, particularly among Asian Indians, who have shown susceptibility to type 2 diabetes due to genetic variants. The study’s findings bear potential for groundbreaking interventions in the battle against pre-diabetes and its dire cardiovascular consequences.

Cinnamon: A Path to Reversing Pre-Diabetes

The study focused on a cohort of Asian Indian individuals, a population known to grapple with a genetic predisposition towards insulin resistance. The weight of this genetic variant becomes evident when coupled with weight gain and reduced physical activity. With urbanization and mechanization gaining momentum, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes has surged in India, often accompanied by early-onset and severe cardiovascular diseases.

In this context, the research emerges as a beacon of hope. By administering a daily supplementation of 3 grams (3,000 mg) of cinnamon for 16 weeks, the study aimed to reverse the ominous signs of pre-diabetes and mitigate cardiovascular risk factors among this vulnerable group.

The Transformation Unveiled

The results were nothing short of remarkable. The group supplemented with cinnamon witnessed a cascade of improvements, highlighting the potency of this unassuming spice:

  1. Blood Sugar Control: Fasting glucose levels experienced a decline, marking improved blood sugar regulation.
  2. Crucial Indicator: Glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb1Ac), a critical marker for diabetic complications, also exhibited a decrease.
  3. Trimming Waistlines: Waist circumference showed a reduction, signifying a positive impact on body fat distribution.
  4. Weight and BMI: Both body weight and body mass index (BMI) witnessed a decrease, contributing to an overall healthier profile.

Furthermore, the benefits extended to blood pressure and cholesterol levels:

  • A reduction in blood pressure, total cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol (the “bad cholesterol”).
  • Triglyceride levels (blood fats) experienced a decrease.
  • The “good cholesterol” (HDL-cholesterol) saw an elevation.

The results were astounding, with nearly 35% of participants experiencing significant improvements in metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes) parameters, as compared to only 5% in the placebo group.

Cinnamon’s Mechanism of Magic

The question arises: How does cinnamon yield such impressive results? Experimental studies have shed light on certain active components within cinnamon that drive these positive changes:

  1. Enhancing Insulin Sensitivity: Cinnamon ingredients increase insulin sensitivity, alleviating the strain on the pancreas to produce excessive insulin. This heightened sensitivity enables cells to absorb blood sugar efficiently, curbing its conversion into fat.
  2. Facilitating Fat Utilization: Cinnamon promotes the release of fat from fat cells, leading to enhanced fat-burning by body cells. This mechanism contributes to weight loss and reduction in waist circumference.

Unveiling Cinnamon’s Active Players

The potent effects of cinnamon are attributed to its active constituents, which include:

  • Cinnamaldehyde
  • Cinnamic acid
  • Eugenol
  • Coumarin
  • Procyanidin Oligomers of the Catechin and Epicatechin polyphenol group, showcasing robust insulin-potentiating properties.

Incorporating Cinnamon Supplementation

The intriguing prospect of cinnamon supplementation beckons those seeking to manage blood sugar and cardiovascular risk factors. Capsules containing 500 mg of cinnamon are readily available from diverse supplement companies. To match the dosage administered in the study, a total daily intake of 3 grams (3,000 mg) of cinnamon can be achieved by consuming 2 capsules thrice a day, alongside meals.

For individuals navigating the terrain of type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or elevated sugar levels, a multifaceted approach is ideal. Alongside endurance exercise and a diet that emphasizes lower fat and glycemic index foods, cinnamon supplementation could be a potent addition to enhance overall blood sugar and cardiovascular profiles.

Future Horizons: A Glimpse into Cinnamon’s Potential

As we gaze into the future, the potential of cinnamon remains a fascinating subject for further research. The study’s revelations open doors to novel interventions that could transform the lives of individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes and its cardiovascular ramifications.

Conclusion: A Spice with Pioneering Potential

In the tapestry of nature’s offerings, cinnamon emerges as a spice of remarkable promise. With its ability to reverse the course of pre-diabetes and bolster cardiovascular health, cinnamon transcends its humble origins to become a powerful ally in the fight against metabolic syndrome and its repercussions. As we savor the rich history and potential of this unassuming spice, we step into an era where cinnamon stands at the forefront of holistic health and vitality.


Jain SG, Purl S, Misra A, et al. Effect of oral cinnamon intervention on metabolic profile and body composition of Asian Indians with metabolic syndrome: a randomized double-blind control trial. Lipids in Health and Disease (BioMedical Central). June 12, 2017.

Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 64 – Unveiling the Potent Powers of Raw Beet Juice: A Dual Marvel for Heart Health and Athletic Performance


LMU 64 – Unveiling the Potent Powers of Raw Beet Juice: A Dual Marvel for Heart Health and Athletic Performance

Source: Journal of Human Hypertension (2016) and the journal Nutrients (2017)

Lifestyle Medicine Update (August 25, 2017)


As the world of nutrition and wellness continues to evolve, certain superfoods emerge, capturing the spotlight for their remarkable health benefits. Pomegranate juice, revered for its potential in cancer prevention, has held a special place in the realm of juices. However, the landscape is shifting, as a new contender steps into the limelight. Recent research, featured in the *Journal of Human Hypertension (2016)* and *The Journal of Nutrients (2017)*, highlights the dynamic potential of raw beet juice. With its heart-boosting and performance-enhancing properties, raw beet juice is poised to become a star player in the realm of health and athleticism.

The Beet Juice Revelation

Traditionally, pomegranate juice has been the forerunner in the lineup of recommended juices for health-conscious individuals. However, the discovery of the multifaceted benefits of raw beet juice warrants attention and consideration. Raw beet juice stands out due to its rich nitrate content, which sets off a chain of health-boosting reactions within the body.

Nitric Oxide: Unveiling the Cardiovascular Magic

Upon entering the bloodstream, nitrates from raw beet juice undergo a transformation into nitric oxide. This conversion ushers in a transformative effect on blood vessels, dilating them and facilitating enhanced blood circulation to the heart muscle. Notably, nitric oxide’s role isn’t limited to rest; during aerobic exercises and intense sprints, it optimizes blood and oxygen supply to muscles, including the fast-twitch muscle fibers vital for explosive strength, rapid acceleration, and sprinting capabilities.

Over the past years, researchers have been delving into the effects of raw beet juice on blood circulation, arterial relaxation, blood pressure reduction, and other cardiovascular risk factors.

Empowering Heart Health: The Scientific Evidence

In a notable study conducted in 2016, published in the *Journal of Human Hypertension*, 24 participants with high blood pressure aged between 25 and 68 were subjected to an intriguing regimen. Ingesting 250 ml (approximately 8.5 fluid oz.) of raw beet juice daily, these participants showcased an impressive array of benefits:

  • Lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure
  • Reduced markers of blood vessel inflammation (CRP)
  • Enhanced blood flow throughout the cardiovascular system
  • Decreased “bad cholesterol” (LDL-cholesterol)
  • Improved antioxidant status

Similar studies have substantiated these findings, attributing the cardiovascular benefits of raw beet juice to its robust nitrate content. The positive outcomes are also attributed to additional constituents within raw beet juice, including antioxidants, fiber, potassium, folic acid, and vitamin C.

Fuelling Athletic Performance: Beet Juice’s Double Duty

Raw beet juice’s prowess doesn’t end with heart health; it extends to the realm of athletic performance. The elevated nitric oxide levels induced by raw beet juice have shown promise in enhancing blood flow to working muscles. This enhanced blood flow translates into tangible performance improvements across various aerobic activities, such as long-distance cycling.

In a groundbreaking study in 2017, soccer players took center stage. Raw beet juice was found to enhance the ability to execute repeated all-out sprints. This revelation has far-reaching implications, extending to sports requiring bursts of all-out sprinting, such as soccer, hockey, basketball, and tennis.

Incorporating Raw Beet Juice into Your Wellness Arsenal

Whether your focus is on heart health or elevating your athletic performance, raw beet juice emerges as a compelling ally. With its capacity to improve blood pressure, cardiovascular risk profiles, endurance, and sprinting capabilities, raw beet juice occupies a unique position in the realm of natural and approved ergogenic aids.

Conclusion: Embrace the Red Revolution

The world of nutrition is ever-evolving, introducing new contenders that challenge the status quo. Raw beet juice, rich in nitrates and bursting with health benefits, has stepped onto the stage as a formidable player. From bolstering heart health to enhancing athletic performance, raw beet juice’s potential is vast and promising. As we navigate our journey towards holistic well-being, let us embrace the red revolution and unlock the transformative potential of raw beet juice.


  1. Asgary S et al. Improvement of hypertension, endothelial function and systemic inflammation following short-term supplementation with red beet juice: a randomized crossover pilot study. J Human Hypertension. 2016. Oct 30 (10):627-32. (
  2. (WebMD Beet Juice) [](
  3. Nyakayiru J et al. Beetroot juice supplementation improves high-intensity intermittent type exercise performance in trained soccer players. 2017. Nutrients 9(3),314 [MDPI Link](
Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 63 – Boosting Heart Health with Almonds: Unveiling the HDL Cholesterol Connection


LMU 63 – Boosting Heart Health with Almonds: Unveiling the HDL Cholesterol Connection

Source: Journal of Nutrition (August 1, 2017)

Lifestyle Medicine Update (August 19, 2017)


In the realm of heart health, cholesterol levels play a pivotal role. Elevated levels of LDL-cholesterol, commonly known as the “bad cholesterol,” can pave the way for artery narrowing, culminating in heart attacks and strokes. A groundbreaking study, published in the *Journal of Nutrition* on August 1st, 2017, set out to illuminate a path towards healthier cholesterol profiles. This study, focused on 48 participants with elevated LDL-cholesterol, delved into the contrasting effects of consuming almonds versus banana muffins as a daily snack. The research offers intriguing insights into the potential of almonds to bolster HDL-cholesterol, the “good cholesterol,” and contribute to overall cardiovascular well-being.

A Tale of Two Snacks: Almonds vs. Banana Muffins

The study participants were divided into two groups, both adhering to identical diets except for the daily snack they consumed. One group was assigned to an “almond diet,” wherein they consumed approximately a handful of almonds each day. In contrast, the second group partook in the “control period” where they were provided with a banana muffin as their daily snack. After six weeks of muffin consumption, the participants transitioned to the almond diet for another six weeks.

Surprising Discoveries: Almonds and HDL Cholesterol

The researchers unearthed a compelling connection between almond consumption and HDL-cholesterol. While prior research has established almonds’ ability to lower LDL-cholesterol, the impact on HDL-cholesterol had not been extensively studied. The study illuminated a significant improvement in HDL levels and function among participants on the almond diet, particularly among those within the normal weight range.

HDL Cholesterol: The Cholesterol Vacuum Cleaner

HDL-cholesterol serves as a remarkable defender against cardiovascular risks. Functioning as a “vacuum cleaner,” HDL picks up cholesterol that has accumulated in artery walls and transports it back to the liver. This process effectively reverses artery narrowing, reducing the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes. The interplay between HDL and LDL cholesterol levels significantly influences cardiovascular risk; higher HDL levels coupled with lower LDL levels equate to a more favorable risk profile.

As HDL accumulates cholesterol, it grows larger, analogous to a garbage bag that gradually fills with waste. Once laden with cholesterol, HDL transports this “garbage” back to the liver, where it can be processed and eliminated from the body. Notably, the observed rise in HDL and improved HDL function was evident solely in participants within the normal weight range.

Overweight Dilemma: Almonds vs. HDL Cholesterol

The study offered a sobering insight into the impact of almonds on HDL-cholesterol levels among overweight individuals. The benefits observed among normal weight participants did not translate to those who were overweight. This finding aligns with existing knowledge that excess body weight reduces the synthesis and release of HDL from the liver. Moreover, the study underlines the importance of weight management and aerobic exercise in optimizing HDL levels, as exercise not only increases HDL but also aids in shedding excess body fat.

Almonds: An Ally for Heart Health and Weight Management

For those at an ideal weight and already engaging in regular exercise, the inclusion of a handful of almonds in their daily diet may offer an extra boost to HDL levels. Furthermore, replacing a muffin with almonds not only contributes to improved HDL but also facilitates gradual body fat loss over time. Once excess body fat is shed, the potential for further elevation of HDL levels through almond consumption becomes evident, yielding a highly desirable outcome.

The Quest for Ideal HDL Levels

Understanding the significance of HDL cholesterol levels helps in setting health goals. The following ideal HDL blood levels are recommended:

  • Men: Above 1.17 mmol/L (45 mg/dL)
  • Women: Above 1.42 mmol/L (55 mg/dL) – women generally exhibit slightly higher HDL levels.

A Symphony of Nut Power: Almonds and Walnuts

The study adds to the growing body of evidence supporting the role of almonds in heart health. However, it’s important to note that walnuts have also shown promise in preventing heart disease. Combining the benefits of almonds and walnuts may offer a robust strategy for cardiovascular well-being.

Conclusion: Elevating Heart Health with Almonds

As the pages of research unfold, almonds emerge as a formidable contender in the realm of heart health. Their potential to enhance HDL-cholesterol levels and function sheds light on a pathway that can be harnessed for cardiovascular well-being. With this newfound knowledge, individuals can embark on a journey of heart health empowerment, embracing almonds as a delectable tool to bolster their defence against heart disease.


Berryman CE, Fleming JA, Kriss-Etherton PM. Inclusion of almonds in a cholesterol-lowering diet improves plasma HDL subspecies and cholesterol efflux to serum in normal-weight individuals with elevated LDL cholesterol. Journal of Nutrition. August 1, 2017. Vol 147, No 8:1517-1523.

Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.

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LMU 62 – Why Polyunsaturated Fats Lower Cholesterol and Saturated Fats Raise Cholesterol


LMU 62 – Cracking the Code: How Fats Impact Cholesterol Levels

Source: The Journal of Nutrition. 2005

Lifestyle Medicine Update (August 12, 2017)


The enigma of how different types of dietary fats influence cholesterol levels has lingered in the scientific and health communities for years. What exactly is the connection between saturated fats, trans fats, and polyunsaturated fats, and how do they shape our cholesterol profiles? The key to this puzzle lies in a remarkable review published in 2005 in *The Journal of Nutrition*. This comprehensive analysis offers a long-awaited explanation for the intricate relationship between dietary fats and cholesterol levels, ushering in a new understanding that has the potential to revolutionize heart health strategies.

The Road of Absorption: A Journey through the Gut

When we consume foods containing various fats, whether saturated, trans, or polyunsaturated (including omega-3 fats), they embark on a complex journey through our bodies. These fats are transported from the gut through minuscule carriers called chylomicrons, which enter the lymphatic system before eventually entering the bloodstream. While some fats are stored in fat cells and muscle tissue, others find their way to liver cells, setting the stage for the cholesterol-challenging events that follow.

The Liver’s Role: Orchestrating Cholesterol Production

The presence of saturated fats, trans fats, and polyunsaturated fats within the liver triggers a significant response – the activation of cholesterol production. Cholesterol is a crucial component that facilitates the transportation of these fats back into the bloodstream, now encapsulated within very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL). Liver cells release these VLDLs into the bloodstream, and their fate is determined by the interplay between fat cells, muscle cells, and liver cells.

Fat Cells and Muscles: Balancing Act of Storage and Utilization

Fat cells play a pivotal role in storing fat, while muscles use fat as a primary fuel source during periods of rest, light activity, exercise, and fasting. As VLDLs shed their fat content, they transform into low-density lipoproteins (LDL), often referred to as “bad cholesterol.” The LDL cholesterol contains predominantly synthesized cholesterol, originating from the liver.

LDL-Receptors: The Heart of Cholesterol Clearance

Here’s the turning point that reshapes our understanding of cholesterol’s impact on health. The consumption of polyunsaturated fats, encompassing omega-3 fats and monounsaturated fats, triggers an increase in LDL-receptors on liver cells. This critical shift empowers the liver to remove excess LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream, thwarting the rise of harmful cholesterol levels. The influence of these polyunsaturated fats extends beyond receptor quantity; they enhance the fluidity of cell membranes housing LDL-receptors, further optimizing cholesterol clearance.

Polyunsaturated Fats: A Multifaceted Ally in Liver Health

Polyunsaturated fats wield further influence within the liver, inhibiting the conversion of carbohydrates into cholesterol-raising saturated fat. This process, which typically produces palmitic acid, a cholesterol-elevating saturated fat, is slowed down by polyunsaturated fats. Consequently, the liver produces less cholesterol. Additionally, polyunsaturated fats stimulate the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids, crucial in digesting fats following a meal. As these bile acids cannot revert to cholesterol, polyunsaturated fats contribute to a reduced total cholesterol pool within the liver.

Identifying the Culprits: Saturated and Trans Fats

Saturated fats responsible for the most significant rise in blood cholesterol include lauric, myristic, and palmitic acid. These fats are prevalent in beef, pork, and high-fat dairy products. While coconut and palm oil contain substantial lauric acid and other cholesterol-raising saturated fats, the role of trans fats is even more alarming. Trans fats not only elevate bad cholesterol levels but also lower good cholesterol (HDL), contributing to a double jeopardy scenario.

Empowering Your Diet for Heart Health

As we unravel the intricate dance between dietary fats and cholesterol regulation, a clear path to heart health emerges. To lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol, consider embracing the following dietary and lifestyle strategies:

  1. Make Mindful Choices: Reduce or eliminate intake of beef, pork, high-fat dairy products, coconut oil, and palm oil.
  2. Trans Fat Awareness: Steer clear of trans fats found in pastries, creamy salad dressings, shortenings, and certain processed foods.
  3. Embrace Healthy Fats: Incorporate fish (twice weekly), olive oil, nuts, avocados, and monounsaturated fats into your diet.
  4. Swap Smartly: Opt for lean protein sources like chicken breast, turkey breast, and soy products.
  5. Plant Power: Beans, peas, ground flaxseed, psyllium husk fiber, oat bran, apples, and artichokes are your allies in cholesterol management.
  6. Sugar and Starch Moderation: Reduce refined sugars and starchy foods, as they can trigger cholesterol-raising saturated fat production in the liver.
  7. Exercise and Weight Management: Engage in endurance exercise and maintain a healthy weight to boost HDL cholesterol.

Achieving Optimal Cholesterol Levels

As this revelation reshapes our approach to heart health, the goal of achieving ideal cholesterol levels becomes clearer than ever:

  • Total Cholesterol: Aim for levels below 3.9 mmol/L (150 mg/dl).
  • LDL Cholesterol: Target levels below 2.0 mmol/L (76 mg/dl).

Conclusion: Unleashing the Power of Dietary Fats

The intricate web connecting dietary fats and cholesterol levels is gradually unravelling, revealing a wealth of insights that can transform heart health strategies. With the guidance offered by the research from *The Journal of Nutrition*, individuals now possess the tools to wield their dietary choices as a means of fine-tuning their cholesterol profiles. As the landscape of heart health evolves, it’s time to embrace the power of knowledge and take charge of our well-being.


Fernandez ML and West KL. Mechanisms by which dietary fatty acids modulate plasma lipids. The Journal of Nutrition. 2005. 135:2075-2078.

Dr. James Meschino

Dr. James Meschino


Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS, ROHP, is an educator, author, and researcher having lectured to thousands of healthcare professionals across North America. He holds a Master’s Degree in Science with specialties in human nutrition and biology and is recognized as an expert in the field of nutrition, anti-aging, fitness, and wellness as well as the author of numerous books.